part 1 (?)

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one day you had gotten really sick and didn't want to go to the dining hall that day,but you had to go to the dining hall. so you were walking,well holding on to the walls so you don't topple over,there the journalist was walking down the hallway from you! "y/n! wait!" he had brightly said,unknowingly shouting which made your head hurt more. "ow.."  you had groaned in pain as your head was literally throbbing. you had stopped so he could catch up to you. "do you have spare time for an interview?" he had brightly shouted,which made you groan in pain even more. "ow..." the only thing that was coursing through your mind was the unbearable pain in your head. "y/n,are you okay..?" he had more quietly asked. "i guess..?" you had questioned. he had walked with you to the dining hall and the second you had sat down,you had dozed off. when you had gotten your food a few minutes later,he had decided to wake you up. when you had put your head up,there was a sick look on your face,it had increased his concerns for your well-being.

•time skip brought to you by whateversg00d!•
you were slouched on a wall again,trying not to lose your balance. "y/n,are you sure you are feeling okay?" he had sweetness in his tone and concern written in his lilac eyes. "no,i'm not feeling okay" you had decided to be honest with him. "hm,alrighty,come with me!" he had spoke in a concerned yet sweet tone as he had ran towards his dormitory. you had decided to run after him but had forgotten to hold on to a wall,so you had fallen over and you were now unconscious on the floor. nikei had questioned why you weren't there behind him,when he had walked back he had saw you on the floor,unconscious from the fever that you currently have. "y/n! you were sick the whole time!" he had picked you up and carried you to his dormitory.

•time skip brought to you by whateversg00d!•
he had opened the door up with his handbook and walked in his dormitory. he had left you on his bed temporarily as he went off to get a thermometer from the infirmary. while he was gone,you had woken up from your state of unconsciousness. he had walked in holding the thermometer in his hand,now seeing you awake,he had said to you "oh hey,y/n! you're up now! do you mind if i take your temperature?" he had kindly said, "sure,i do not mind." you had tiredly replied,already getting tired from your sickness. "104.2,that's really high!" as he was saying that,he had placed his hand on your forehead, "you're burning up,y/n! hold on oneee second,be right back!" he had frantically ran and got a cold towe to put on your forehead,but by the time he had gotten back,you were asleep,since he didn't have anywhere else to sleep,he had put the cold towel on your head and had fallen asleep in the bed with you,since he did not want to sleep on the floor.

•time skip brought to you by whateversg00d!•
you two were in the bed together,cuddling each other,the warmth of you two were combined as you and nikei were asleep and cuddling with each other. in the middle of the night on the other hand,you had started to feel nauseous. you had gotten up to throw up, "huh..? y/n,are you okay..?" he had tiredly asked,just waking up. you were throwing up,cringing  now realizing that that is the bathroom he uses everyday. a few minutes later,you had come out of the bathroom "aww,man.." you had said while coming out of nikei's bathroom. he had realized that you had threw up in his bathroom, "y/n,get in bed. i'll be right back!" he had went to his medicine cabinet and got fever remedy medicine and upset stomach medicine. "y/n,are you in the bed?" he had asked,concern in his tone. silence,there was no reply. he had walked in the bedroom to you peacefully sleeping in his bed. he had shook you lightly as in a formation of waking you up. "y/n! wake uuup!" he had said in a sweet tone. "hm..?" you had said tiredly,just now waking up. "take this." he had said concerned,he had handed you two little cups of medicine and a cup of water. after you had taken the medicine,you had dozed off and nikei got in the bed with you,now cuddling each other while asleep.

•time skip brought to you by whateversg00d!•
it was the morning time and you had now woken up from being asleep,nikei was still asleep cuddling you,so you had decided to not wake up and get up until the announcement. the announcement had came in two hours, nikei had woken up but you had not woken up. he had laid his head on your chest and fell asleep. the announcements came on about two hours later,nikei had woken up but you had not woken up yet,you had only groaned in pain as your headache came crashing back. he had placed his hand on your forehead to feel for your temperature. "you're burning up again, y/n!" he had went to get the thermometer off the table beside the bed and had put it in your mouth. a few awkward seconds later the thermometer had beeped,letting him know that it was done. the thermometer read 101.3 "hm..not bad,not good!" he had went and put a cold towel on your forehead while you were asleep.

•time skip brought to you by whateversg00d!•
you had woken up while nikei was getting ready to go to the dining hall. "hm..? oh,nikei?" you had tiredly said to him in a questioning way while walking towards him,then you had stumbled over and almost fell over. "oh,hey y/n! you are awake now!-woah! be a little more careful my friend!"he had ran over to catch you before you had fell to the ground and said happily and sweetly, "would you like to cuddle with me once more?". "sure.." you had said sweetly,you were trying to hint him that your voice was dying out and you were losing your voice. "hm? why are you so quiet,y/n..? oh,you're losing your voice,slowly though.." he had said really concerned. "i know.." then your voice had died out temporarily and then you had fallen asleep in nikei's arms.
•time skip brought to you by whateversg00d!•
you and nikei were once again asleep cuddling with each other. he was the big spoon while you were the little spoon. his chest was against your head and you were already dozed off in his arms. soon a few days later you had gotten better!

A/N: should i make a part 2..?

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