Chapter 4

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I was walking around checking up on some of my patients, I was standing at the window of one of my patients, Cathy Simons, that has been here for 3 years, was arguing her ex husband, Jo Wilson came up to me, she said "Hey, I'm on your service today." I don't respond, instead I just keep staring through the window, Cathy screams "Get out. Get out, get out, get out." That's when I open the door and say "I think it's time for you to leave." He says "No, I have the right to speak to her." I step closer to him and respond "No you don't, now get out." He pushes me and I fall to the floor hitting my head hard, the last thing I remember before blacking out was Alex and Owen Hunt coming through the door.

I wake up to see Alex sitting beside me holding my hand, he says "Thank god you're awake." I say "What do you mean I was only out for like thirty minutes." "y/n you were out for three days." "What, three days?" "Yeah." Meredith, Maggie, Arizona Robbins, Jackson Avery and Nathan Riggs were all in the room. Jackson who has been my best friend forever says "You're awake, you scared me half to death." He gives me a slight hug. Everyone sat around me and talked for a while. I ask "Where are my scrubs?" Alex points to a corner that had blue scrubs on a chair. I start to get up, Arizona says "Woah, woah, woah not so fast." I say "I have to get back to work." Nathan says "You haven't been discharged yet." I roll my eyes and I grab my scrubs and walk to the bathroom, after thirty minutes I walk out to see Bailey standing there with her arms crossed. I say "You guys told on me. That's lame." Alex chuckles. She says "You have not been discharged, lay back down." "I feel fine, Alex agrees that I should be discharged." I looked at Alex who was eating a pudding cup. He says "Don't bring me into this." Bailey looks at me, giving me the you better do what I say look. I say "But I have patients." She says "Sit down." I sit back down saying "Fine but you can only keep me for one more day then I will leave." I close my eyes leaning back onto my bed.

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