chapter 4

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              Emma sat on her bed playing with her locket that she wore around her neck. it had her initials on it EM for Emma magnum, her dad had a matching one that had his initials TM on it for Thomas magnum. she had a picture of him inside her locket, that she would look at. "Emma can we talk?" Asked Higgins as she walked over to her daughter. Emma didn't say anything as her mom came and sat on the edge of her bed. "Emma no one gave on your dad Emma.TC, Rick, katsumoto and I searched for him for years but we never found anything and we eventually had stop" said Higgins. "All that cool MI6 stuff you have access to and you never found anything" question Emma. "First off what are you talking about and how do you know that?" questioned Higgins. "Mom I've know sense I was like 8 years old, you don't think I noticed the strange phone calls or the badass fight skills that you would have only learned as a agent or spy of some kind and the fact you are from the united kingdom and the fact that you can hack into anything, made it pretty easy to figure out" said Emma. "Why didn't you tell me you knew?" questioned Higgins. "I could tell you don't like to talk about it, I mean you don't like to talk about you past at all." replied Emma. Higgins laughs Remembering when magnum comforted her about being MI6. "you Know your dad found out on his own that I was ex MI6, I tried denying it but he knew I was lying. you knew when I first meet your dad I thought he was the most annoying, childish, selfish, Irresponsible man I'd ever met but as I got to know him I realized he was the most selfless, braving, charming, caring, loving man I have ever meet and I see a lot of him in you, Emma" Grinned Higgins.

    Emma smiled. she reached into her bag and pulled out the photo of her mom and dad. "Mom I found this picture of you and dad" said Emma showing it to Higgins. "I remember this your dad and I were going to his friends funeral and we were arguing over who was going to drive and naturally I won." laughed Higgins. "What happened to you arm?" questioned Emma. "I was shot while helping your dad get information on the man who murdered his friend, actually it was one of many times I've been shot." said Higgins. "what do you mean many?" questioned Emma. "I think those are stories for another time." replied Higgins.  "Mom do you miss dad" asked Emma. "Everyday, you know he would be so proud of you" replied Higgins. "I love you mom." said Emma. "I love you too" said Higgins as she got up from the bed. "Emma I promise to be more open with you, goodnight baby" said Higgins. "Goodnight mom" replied Emma as Higgins left the room


              Emma pulled her dads Journal out of her bag. she opened it and started to read it.


  last night was rough Emma would not go to sleep, she kept Juliet and I up all night. I don't mind though, I love being a Dad. Emma and Juliet are my whole world I don't know what I would do without them. today I go back to being a pi after taking 3 months off. I cant believe my baby is already 3 months, I want her to stay little for ever, also she's definitely a daddy's girl and I know she is going to be just like me. oh my god its already 3:30 I have to go meet a client for a potentially case.


       Emma feel asleep in my arms last night, I didn't get any sleep again but at last my beautiful wife did. I got hired by a client who believes there spouse is cheating on them,should be a pretty easy cases, I've worked hundreds of theses. you'd be surprised at how many unfaithful husbands there are. anyways I have to go Emma is crying.


      something doesn't feel right, I'm having a lot of panic attacks. I don't know why,maybe its just separation anxiety from being away from Emma  I don't know, but I feel like I'm being watched. I never should've taken this case something isn't right. I don't think that this is a case of a unfaithful husband, this is something else, something more sinister.


          ok this case was definitely more then a cheating spouse, I cant say what because I will risk putting others in danger. I set up a meeting with my client to discuss my findings but they never showed. I have hided the case file along with the information about what I found in a safe location. hopeful someone will find it one day. my sweet Emma if you find this one day I'm so sorry. just remember daddy loves you so much.

     Emma wiped away her tears as she read hers dads last entry.  she turned the page and saw that there was a  page missing, she knew her dad must of hide it. well now she had a new objective to find her dads missing case file and journal page. She put her dads Journal away and laid down to go to sleep.

                                                                  Emma's dream

               11 year old Emma was at the library with Kumu at some point Kumu turned her back for a moment and Emma had run off from the kid section and into the detective section. she found a whole bunch of books on private investigators. she was trying to grab a book by climbing the book case but she slipped and that's when a older man with black hair, tan skin, Dark brown eyes and he was wearing jeans and a white shirt,ran over and caught her. "are you ok" asked the man as he put her down. "I'm fine thank you for catching me" said Emma. "your more climbing the book shelves ok you could get really hurt said the man as he grabbed the book for her. "I wont I promise" said Emma. "so your interested in being a private investigator huh" questioned the man. "yes I'm going to be just like my dad" said Emma. "I'm sure he'd be proud" said the man as he pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Emma. "What is this." questioned Emma. "lets just say you'll need these to be a private investigator" said the man as he walked away. Emma shock off the weird encounter she just had and opened the case and inside were lock picks. "Emma" called Kumu as she was looking for her. Emma put the lock picks in her bag, Grabbed her books and went to find Kumu.

                                                           end of Emma's dream

     Emma Jolted awake her breathing very fast, she knew that wasn't a dream it was memory. she grabbed her bag and pulled out the lock picks and in graved on them was Thomas Magnum. The man who had caught her when she feel off the book shelf in the library and had talked to her was her father, she just didn't realize it at the time. she knew she wasn't going to go back to sleep so she texted JC and Brandon to come over when they woke up, so she could update them on the investigation.

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