Chapter 22 - Happy ONE MONTH

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Ellie’s POV.

After some weeks.

‘Harry where are we going?’

‘It’s a surprise.’

‘You know that curious kills me right?’

‘Yeah…but I hope you will stay alive till we arrive.’ He kissed my forehead, and looked back at the road. It’s our ONE MONTH anniversary. Time flies fast, but this summer is unforgettable. It’s 23rd of August, and I am thinking about moving in London and finish my senior year here near Harry, even though he is going to have tours he comes here often so it’s a chance for us. We exited the car and he leaded me to the London eye? ‘I know you’ve never been here, so I decided to make it special.’  He gave me one of his famous smiles that make girls melt and let me enter in the cabin. He sat next to me and put his hand around my shoulder. ‘Ellie this was the best summer EVER! I love you so much.’ He took my hands and looked me in the eyes, and even though we know each other for some months it feels like a lifetime.

‘I love you too.’ Who would think that me a simple girl from New York is the daughter of one of the richest man in the London, and will date Harry Styles? It’s like I am living my fairytale finally, my little fairytale I always dreamed of.  Harry was leaning closer and I closed my eyes waiting for our lips to meet, when my phone rang. SHIT!

‘Hi mom’ I said in an awkward tone like mom-I-am-busy-now-don’t-ruin-the-moment.

‘Sweetie, how are you? I miss you so much.’ Mom didn’t get the message.

‘I am good. I miss you too.’

‘So how’s summer? How’s your relationship with Harry?’ yeah I told my mom about my relationship and she now wants every detail, even the taste of his lips…eww MOM!

‘Mom I am kind of busy now…’ I said awkwardly.

‘OH, I understand…young love. Just use protection!’ I just hang up the phone, not very polite but there is no other way.  Harry laughed.

‘So where did we stop?’ I asked looking at his lips. He grinned and leaded closer again, when…STUPID PHONE!

‘Hi.’ I said annoyed.

‘Beth, honey I need to leave for a business meeting today in Paris, I know I said I will spend this weekend with you but-‘

‘It’s okay dad. Bye.’ I rolled my eyes. It’s like KARMA!

‘You are full of trouble you know?’ he asked me.

‘Just kiss me already.’ Guess what? My phone decided to ring…AGAIN!


‘Hi, Lizzie. I missed your voice.’

‘Kevin. Hi. Yeah me too.’ It was kind of embracing, Harry knew about Kevin and his face changed from sweet boyfriend to jealous green monster. He took the phone out of my hands.

‘SHE IS BUSY!’ he said with venom, and somehow threw my phone from the cabin, and considering that we were almost at the top of it, my iPhone broke in pieces.

‘That was my phone!’

‘I will buy you another one.’ I shook my head and smiled at him. He finally kissed me, and this kiss was hungry, of course after three times interrupting it. We finally arrived at the top of the Ferris Wheel. It was Twilight so the lights of London were shining bright. The picture of it was simple amazing and romantic.

‘Do you like it?’

‘I love it.’ he smiled, and took out from his bag a bottle of champagne.

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