Ron's stupid rat

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Maddi's POV
I owl all my presents to my friends and receive some back like,  a set of things from zonko's from Blaise, some really expensive looking shampoo from Theo and a diamond necklace from Draco which made me feel really bad about my gift as it looks like a million gallons but is like twenty. I also have Hermione some books and she gave me a set of magical quills. After the break everyone returns back to Hogwarts and is back to their usual studies the spirit of Christmas all forgotten. It has been a couple of weeks now and I found out that Buckbeak will be executed. The golden trio and I walk to Hagrid' hut to comfort him and to see Buckbeak for the last time. As we were talking to Hagrid I felt something hit the back of my head. "Ouch," I say. "You ok?" asks Hermione. "Ye.." I say as I bend down to pick up the stone that hit my head. As I turned around once more, I saw them coming. "Guys they are coming!" I say as I point to the window. "We'll stay here, under the cloak," "ye we won't be seen so it'll be fine," I say agreeing with Harry. "No I don't want you seeing this," he says and then puts the cloak around us and pushed us out of the back door. "Let's hurry please," says Hermione, "I don't want to see this." Suddenly Ron says, "scabers!" there you are. "You lost your rat?" I asked. "Ye he did." says Harry. "He won't stay still!" he says. Then the rat runs away with his tiny feet. "Ronald Weasly if you go and try to get that stupid rat I will-!" I say but before I could finish my sentence he runs of. Harry and Hermione starts running after him, I sigh and run after Hermione. Then see a black dog grabbing Ron's leg. I grab a stick I see on the ground and throw it at the dog, which hits him perfectly but since it's a stick it didn't do much. I feel Harry and Hermione looking at me questionably. "That didn't work then," I say which makes Hermione slap her head. I was about to make a comment when suddenly I get hit by the whomping pillow. So does Hermione and Harry. I fall to the ground and as I see another branch coming I quickly run to the whole which the dog took Ron. Mione and Harry following behind me. After a couple of seconds of guessing routes I see Ron on a bed. "Don't come in!"he says. "Excuse me but we are trying to save you life right now so if you don't want to die-"I say but that's when I see Sirius Black standing right in front of him. "Fuck." "Hello Harry," he says, "Maddison, I don't expect you here," "I don't want to be here," I mumble under my breath. After I said that I see Professor Lupin standing at the door way.

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