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the week went way too fast. i was with tom most of the time and we just messed around and talked, nothing really interested happened. i was nervous.

it's the day i say goodbye to tom.


i told him i'd meet up with him near my house. i already sent him my address and he should be here any minute now.

ahhh don't panic harriet it's okay.

i heard i knock on my door.

it's tom.

i opened the door and it is tom.

"hi tom."

"hey, so uh when you leaving then?"

in about 10 or 15 mins, i've already packed."

"will you be okay without me?" he winked.

"perfectly fine." i grinned.

he hit my playfully of the arm.

"soo.. wanna go for a walk?" he asked.

"sure, could do with some fresh air." i said smiling.

we walked for a bit in silence and then found a bench to sit at.

"i'll miss you harriet."

"i'll miss you too." i gave him a sad smile.

"0i- um tom i have to tell you something." i said slowly. i have to tell him that i like him more then a friend. he has to know.

toms pov:

"go on..." i said

"i like you. more then a friend. yes i know it would never work out since i'm leaving , but i thought you'd want to know before i do."

i froze.

"are you joking?"


i don't know if i like her like that. do i like her like that? no, no i don't..

"i'm sorry harriet, but i don't like you like that i'm so sorry." i looked down i didn't want to see her face.
i feel guilty already.

she froze this time.

"oh uh, okay it was stupid of me to say that, just forget about it."

i nodded.

"oh i have to go in five minutes, i guess it's time.." she said.

back to harriet's pov:

i felt something break inside of me. that hurt. wow. i- uh i thought he liked me.. guess i was just delusional. i sighed silently. this is embarrassing. why did i tell him.

"oh yes of course." tom said, he got up from the bench as well as me and we hugged each other.

i could smell his cologne. wow.

we both just stood there. hugging each other. taking in each other's scents.

slowly, i pulled my head back and we both froze.

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