the bar

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(recommend listening to song above while reading.)

toms pov, after jade left him.

i didn't leave my bed for a while, back to square one. although jade was a two faced gold, digging bitch, a part of me still loved her.

and i cant really lie and say that i've never had thought about her while being wedded to jade. because i did. a part of me will never stop loving harriet, she's claimed a piece of my heart, death wont even take that away from me.

after the divorce papers where filled and over with, i fell into a bad state of depression, no one could make me smile or even make me get out of bed. my dark thoughts devoured me.

i want to end it.

end all the pain.

end the suffering.

finally be reunited with her.

i'll always love her. even if she is dead. she's not dead to me.

even when her friend, mollie, came over and asked about me and how i was, i still let her, she reminded me of harriet and i'd do anything just to see harriet again.

2 months later (now) harriet's pov

entering the bar, it was pretty busy, i sat down at the counter and waited for the waiter to serve me.

a women approached me. "hello, what would you like?"

"just a water at the moment." she nodded and i smiled back at her then looked down at my phone.

"and you sir?"

i looked to my side.


oh my god. he looks.. different. well i mean it has been two years.

he wasn't looking at me.. he was looking at the toilet door for some reason.

"i'll have a Guinness." he said, still looking at the door.

toms pov

i couldn't let anyone see me crying. it's embarrassing. so i just stared at the toilet door.

"..tom?" a voice said.

wait.. i recognise that voice.. No...

in a instant i whipped my head around and stared at her with wide eyes.

" impossible!" i shouted.

she gave me a small smile.

"b-b-but how???" i asked with my mouth wide open.

my heart is racing, i felt like i'm going to explode, with happiness, confusion and relief.

"well" she started. "i was in a coma for two years and um the doctors thought i was dead at first and that's why you must of thought i was dead.. but i wasn't.. obviously.. and i was so ups-

before she could finish my lips landed on hers. oh how i've missed her soft lips. she kissed back and put a hand at the back of my neck,leaving trails of goosebumps, pushing me into the kiss even more. the butterflies started again and i felt like the lightest thing in the world.

harriet's pov

"i've missed you so much" he mumbled against my lips.

i suddenly switched on and pulled back. "but what about your wife-

"long gone." he replied with a hint of a sneer to his voice. "she could never replace you, darling. no one could."

he never failed to make me blush. but i needed more information.

"why? what happened?" i asked.

"she.." he scratched the back of his neck. "she never loved me, she used me for my money and cheated on me..twice, i caught her on a phone call talking to her stupid friend about it, on how she was gonna leave me for another man once she got to know the rich bastard more." he snorted. "i was an idiot to not see it sooner."

i frowned. "oh tom, you sweet sweet idiot, it's not your fault that you didn't see that bitch for who she really was sooner." i grinned.

he laughed.

i love you.

i smiled and gave him a hug, taking in his delicious scent that embraced me. "i missed you tom."

"i've missed you too." he mumbled into my hair. i felt his warm breath on my neck, spreading goosebumps all over my body.

we stayed like that for a while, embracing each other's scent.

"i'll always love you tom." i whispered.

i felt him nod. he pulled back and wiped his face.

"are you crying Tommie boy?" i tormented.

he rolled his eyes. "fuck you Harri."

i punched him in the arm playfully.

he smirked. "come on love."

he took my hand and lead me out of the bar, with a huge grin on our faces.

i want to grow old with this man.


i love this chapter, hope u guys did too :)

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