Is this all?

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No. No, no, no, no, no, this was a door I had closed and locked and now this thing had thrown it open. This wasn't fear of hell this was pain, deep and biting, meant to propel me into it. I don't remember how long I laid there on my cold wooden floor fighting the black hole beckoning to me from the inside, I don't remember how many times I chanted 'it doesn't hurt until you let it', but I know to me it felt like years. Started at the moment my father became cold, to the present, me writhing like a fool in an empty room filled with false cheeriness and light.

"Amabell?" That voice, the one of pure innocence, was like a bucket of cold water. I shot up, praying that Peeter hadn't opened my door yet. I was in luck, my door was still firmly shut.

"Yes Peeter?" I called in a surprisingly strong voice, "Come in." The door slowly slid open to reveal a scared looking Peeter, his blonde hair sticking in every direction and his blue eyes wide.

"I heard noises," he squeaked, rushing into my arms. Soothingly I rubbed circles on his back as tears wet my shirt.

"It's all okay, there's nothing wrong" I hope, I murmured softly, "Shhhhh..." Slowly his sobs ceased to dull hiccups and I stood him up again. "Where's mum Pete?"

"Downstairs I think."

I nodded, "Let's go eat kay?" I stood, quickly gathering my hair into a messy bun, and grabbed Peeters hand. I led him down the stairs and into the kitchen, the glass from last night cleaned up and gone thanks to my mother.

"Mum where are you?" I called, my voice echoing throughout the downstairs. If my mum was here she would definitely hear it.

"Here, here," she appeared looking frazzled, a pile of old looking books stacked in her arms, "What do you need?"

"Have you gone grocery shopping yet?" I asked.

"Dam-g, damg it no I haven't, but there's some bread and peanut butter." She smiled guiltily at almost swearing in front of Peeter. I nodded leading Peeter to the small dining room attached to the kitchen. See, normal. Maybe it really was just a dream...

"Peeter can you go upstairs and clean your room for me?" My mother said pulling me out of my thoughts. Peeter nodded, brought his plate into to kitchen before the sounds of his retreating footsteps disappeared upstairs. "Amabell, what happened last night?" Uh oh.

"Uh what do you mean?" I asked nervously, entwining my fingers. She glared at me showing she knew something had happened. Mentally I decided to play the sleep walking card since I used to sleep walk when I was younger.

"I get woken up at one in the morning by the sound of your scream, and after I discover you're not in your room I find you down here passed out! What happened Amabell?" Glancing down I shrug apologetically.

"I must've sleep walked because of a nightmare," I fake a tiny voice. Her eyes soften and she reaches out to pat my shoulder.

"Okay, I'll make sure to check up on you tonight. You haven't sleep walked since you were eleven," she pats my head a last time before getting up to clean off the table.

I slowly relaxed and forgot about last night as I went through a normal day. We shopped for the last few things we'd need for me to start junior year at the nearby high school, and for Peeter to start first grade.

Sighing I began to carry a sleeping and very heavy Peeter up the stairs. It was already ten and we had just gotten home so the house was only lit by the moon. As I reached the top my little toe caught the corner of the top stair. Stumbling I pulled Peeter closer to my chest to protect him, but just as I had almost gained my balance a whoosh of air pushed me down fast. Crying out I twisted putting myself under Peeter so I landed first. With a bang my head hit the ground first followed by the rest of my body and the extra weight of Peeter.

"Amabell?" My mum yelled and I vaguely heard the sound of her footsteps on the stairs. "Oh my god Amabell!" A pounding had begun inside of my head and slowly began to build. It grew to my ears blocking out every sound except my heart, then it grew down to my fingers numbing them, and just as it had finally hit my toes, it stopped.

I slowly peeled my eyes open just to come face to face with my mothers green eyes. Peeter lay in her arms, somehow still fast asleep amidst the chaos, and her free hand was sprawled across my forehead.

"-happened?" My hearing came back with a small pop. I smiled lightly at my mum and shook my head.

"I'm fine my toe just caught on one of the stairs. I'm still not used to the house you know?" It was technically true, just not the whole truth. I felt someone or something push us down and I had a feeling I knew what it was. "Go put him to bed I'll be fine," I shooed my mother away gingerly sitting up.

"You sure?"

"Positive," I affirmed. Grabbing the door frame of Peeters room I pulled myself onto my feet. "Ow," I winced holding onto the back of my head where there was a bump. Probably a good concussion, great, and now I had school in two days. Before going to my room I grabbed an Advil, then said screw it and brought the whole bottle with me.

What was this thing? Did it want to kill me or my family or all of us? Could I tell anyone? Would it go away? Finally alone all of my questions swirled through my mind, making my headache worse. If I tell anyone they'll think I'm crazy, I sighed into my pillow. Am I just destined to never be normal?

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