一 || Softness of a Sakura petal

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This story will contain spoilers from the anime! Please read the introduction for further explanation.


You're sitting in class. Your seat being one besides the window. When you look outside you see a nice summer day presented to you. A nice breeze gently shaking the leaves and sakura trees. The rays of sunshine lightning up the classroom.

Your POV

"Right, that's it for today's class" The teacher finished.

'Already' I think to myself. To be honest, today wasn't really a day where I was able to concentrate that well. I closed my book as the teacher started talking about the college exams of next year. That and-.... perving out basically.

I start to zone out as the bell rang and people started to pack their things. Leaving to continue their life after school. Though I may have zoned out, I was still conscious enough to follow everyone's conversations. I'm not a lonely person in my opinion. I have friends. Just,,, Not in this class. Which is fine. Having too much friends would cause to socially drain you and I don't want that really. No one had something against me personally, I think at least. Oh well, it doesn't bother me at all.

'I'm too lazy to get up and go home' I sigh while resting my head in my arms on my desk.

"Oh, hey Hori!" A blonde short haired girl called Hori out. I forgot her name, not really my business anyways. "Hm?" Hori responded. "A guy from another school asked me for your e-mail and info. Should I give it to him?"

A guy from another school huh.. Can't relate. I don't want to really listen to all of this but if they're talking so loudly how can you miss it.

"He didn't have the guts to ask me himself, so no. Turn him down." Hori replied. Way to go sis! No girl has to go through some shady shit.

"Ehhh? Again?" The blonde girl replied disappointed. "Yo, wanna hit up karaoke later on our way home?" The purple headed boy asked. Man, I really need to start memorizing my classmates names. Then again, for what really. I don't talk to them. What was it.. Touka Kota,,,, something with ta right?

Whatever, I should get going really. I put my books in my bag and stand up to leave. As I'm leaving I make eye contact with Miyamura. Why I remember his name? Well we did a class project together and work together whenever we have to sit in pairs so it was only natural to know. I bowed my head at him with a slight smile indicating a hi and he returned the act. I don't really like talking, because that'll lead to a conversation and I don't want it to become awkward. He's a nice guy though. Rumors say he's a creepy otaku but I can just tell he's awkward to talk to. Can't blame him though, same goes for me. He already left the class, guess he didn't want to start a conversation either.

2nd POV

You were walking home with some earbuds listening to some random songs. 'I guess Hori really is popular huh with all the guys hitting on her, and having so many friends'

. . . . .

'AH- NO. I sound like some kind of jealous girl wanting to be in her place but that's not it! I'm glad she has friends. I don't wish anyone to be alone. But now that I think it, I don't see Miyamura with another person often or at all. Does he have friends? I kinds feel sorry if he doesn't. Then again, what can I do about it. No, I can, I can do a lot. But I shouldn't jump into conclusions like that.' Unconsciously you're scrunching up your nose in deep thoughts. You want to help someone if they're lonely, but you don't want to come off as annoying to get into their business. Ugh, the struggle of being considerate for once.

You sigh. 'It'll be alright. Another day tomorrow with another chances!' You smile to yourself as little sakura petals get stuck on your clothing. They're so pretty and it will be one hell of a pain to get them out of your hair.


Omg first chapter and you read till the end-
I hope it's not that bad. And I'm kinda digging it ngl.
Hopefully you will enjoyed it! Can't wait to write the next one!

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