The new members of Team AuraFire

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Lucario Guild
POV: Frost

Frost looked around nervously as all the guild members stared at him in awe, a sight that was really strange to the white Riolu. The Pikachu took him to the Guildmaster's room before stopping to look at him.

"The Guildmaster is just beyond this door. I'm pretty sure he would want to speak to you." The Pikachu said, looking at him. Frost nodded slowly, pushing open the door and heading in. When he got inside, the Guildmaster was sitting down meditating. When he heard someone walk in, his ears twitched and he opened his eyes. His eyes widened in shock for a split second before turning into curiosity. He stood up and walked around the nervous Riolu. Frost followed him with his eyes but never turned his head. When Lucario finished examining him, he stood in front of Frost, a small smile on his face.

"Frost, team leader of Aura Fire. I am surprised to see you alive." His look turned from enjoyment to instant concern as Frost's eyes widened, fell to his knees, and held his head as a huge headache rushed through him, some of his forgotten memories returning. This time, he remembered about Team Aura Fire and what the emblem on his scarf/ribbon was. After the headache left, he looked up and saw Lucario's concerned gaze.

"Are you alright, Frost?" Lucario asked, slightly confused at what just happened. Frost quickly nodded, explaining his situation. Lucario nodded and helped him to stand.

"I see. You have lost your memory of what happened and why you are so famous. Well. I would like to know if you would want to stay here till you get your memory back." Lucario said, much to Frost's confusion.

"I do very much appreciate your offer but for what reason?" Frost asked.

"I have came up with this idea for a few reasons. One, seeing how you have nowhere else to go, for now, I would have to be very cruel to make you leave. Second, I can help you become stronger, maybe even using that Sun Ribbon to its full use." Lucario explained. Frost looked down at the ribbon he tied onto his neck. He then looked up and nodded at Lucario. The Guildmaster smiled and waved him to follow. The Aura duo walked out into the main area, where all the chatter stopped and all focused on ether Frost or the Guildmaster.

"Alright. As I am sure most of you know who this Riolu is, I'm going to just get on with the message. Frost as lost his memories, temporarily. He does not know why he is so famous or about what he has done for the world. Until he has remembered, he shall stay here with us. I am also going to allow Frost, if he wishes, to chose two of you to join him temporarily, unless he says other wise when he fully remembers, to join Team Aura Fire." That got the guilds attention. Lucario looked at Frost, his eyes asking the unspoken question. Frost nodded and looked at the assembled group, looking for anyone he would want to join him. As he glanced around, his gaze stopped for a second on the Pikachu and Growlithe before continuing, which they noticed. When his gaze went across all the guild members, he snapped back to the Pikachu and Growlithe. He walked foreword, staring them in the eyes. They looked a little nervous before they steeled their expression. He narrowed his eyes, making sure they were worth it. He looked back at Lucario and sent him a message through his aura. When Lucario nodded, Frost looked back at the two, noticing their confusion. Suddenly, His palm slammed into Pikachu's stomach before pulsing in energy, Force Palm, sending him into the nearby wall. He then spun on his toes and round house kicked Growlithe, sending him into the wall next to Pikachu. The guild looked shocked, about to attack him when Lucario put a paw up, telling them to stand down. They looked unsure but listened to the Guildmaster. By the time two Pokémon pulled themselves out of the wall, Swords formed around Frost, spinning as his body glowed, Swords Dance. Growlithe recovered first as he was just kicked, not hit by a move. He spat a flamethrower at Frost, hoping to get revenge. Frost rolled to the side, dodging the Flamethrower, which Lucario blocked with an Aura Shield, and dashed foreword, a trail of white energy trailing behind him. The Quick Attack enhanced Force Palm that he used on Growlithe sent him even deeper into the wall. By this time, Pikachu managed to get out and used his own Quick Attack to upgrade his Focus Punch. Frost saw that attack and barely dodged with his own Quick Attack. The white Riolu turned to the Pikachu and formed black aura claws on his paws, Shadow Claw, and slashed, hitting him in a vital area, scoring a critical. That sent him dropping. Frost frowned a bit, disappointed until it felt like he was burning alive. He yelled in pain as the attack ended. Turning around, he saw Growlithe out of the wall panting heavily. He then felt something hard hitting him in the back, making him yell again as he was launched across the room, skidding on the floor. He hopped to his feet and saw Pikachu standing next to his team mate, also panting. He grinned and cracked his neck, scaring the two as he wasn't even that badly injured. He slowly walked towards them, grinning. They got into a defensive position as he stopped. He laughed, confusing all of the guild, except Lucario.

"You will do." They looked at each other confused till Lucario started clapping.

"Congratulations, Spark and Blaze. You are now from here on out no longer a part of BoltFlare. You are now honorary members of Team Aura Fire." The two Pokémon had a lot of emotions on their faces. Confusion, realization, shock, then excitement. They grinned and nodded to the Guildmaster. They were about to go back in line when Frost whistled. They looked at their new team leader, curious as to what he needed.

"You don't stand over there anymore. You stand with me." Frost stood on the side of the line, facing the group. He already discussed this with the Guildmaster. They nodded and stood next to him in a line, Frost on the far right, Blaze on the far left. The other members of the guild smiled at them, happy for the two, before turning back to Lucario as he continued to talk.

"Alright. Now that this is over, I want you to do your normal duties. Dismissed."

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