I've Come To Make An Announcement

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So has anyone here seen the fandub of sonic adventure 2 by snapcube (who are incredibly funny)? Well I kinda did a thing and reimagined the danganronpa characters voice acting the sonic characters. Here's the video I'm basing it off of:

So for this dub I've got:

Sonic - Kiyotaka

Tails - Chihiro

Knuckles - Mondo

Amy - Hina

Shadow - Byakuya

Rouge - Kyoko

Maria - Celeste

Big the cat (cameo) - Hifumi

Eggman - Leon (now don't judge me for this choice but imagine Leon doing eggman's announcement, it's perfect)

Now what about the Sonic 06 dub that snapcube did? I tried to list them down but there were so many and my brain fizzled out. Here's the dub:

List of characters (basically give suggestions for who you think each character would be):

Sonic -
Tails -
Knuckles -
Amy -
Shadow -
Rouge -
Mephiles/Memphis Tennessee -
Silver -
Blaze -
Omega the robot -
Elise -
Eggman -

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