Just Some Ishimondo Headcanons

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Don't Judge me for these because they're just how I interpret the relationship. I also include other characters cause everyone in this game is fucking bae.

- Mondo actually wears puppy dog slippers around people he's comfortable with (mainly Taka but sometimes wears them around Chihiro and maybe even Leon depending on how he's feeling). Taka sometimes likes to stroke them whenever they're hanging out and even begins to call them mini Chucks.

-Taka can actually be flirty and seductive but only at certain times when he feels its necessary which isn't a lot of the time. He also gets the timing wrong a lot of the time but still manages to make Mondo blush and get flustered.

-Their friendship group mainly consists of Taka, Mondo, Chihiro, Leon, sometimes Hiro and Kaito. Sometimes even Mikan (who is invited by Mondo (what? you thought I was going to ignore those friendship events? Hell no, they were adorable)) when she's not busy but a lot of the time she leaves because she gets too nervous and starts acting weird.

-Mondo contributed greatly to Taka's music tastes, showing him quite a bit of music that the boy instantly got attached to. The genres are varied and can usually depend on what mood either of them are in at that particular moment

-Taka thinks very highly of Daiya after Mondo tells him more about his brother and wishes he got to meet him before he died. This makes Mondo very happy.

-Taka cooks most of the time while Mondo fucks around in the kitchen. This goes on until Taka teaches him how to cook for himself and Mondo then starts taking the role of chef.

-The Crazy Diamonds aren't keen on Taka at first and don't get why Mondo got with him in the first place, they however decide to respect the relationship. However they soon become more attached to Taka and he soon acts as like a parental figure for them all. They don't mind this.

-Leon and Chihiro both helped set up their first date with the help of a few other students (like Sayaka, Sakura and Hiro). They occasionally peeked in to see how it was doing which only pissed Mondo off.

-They cuddle a lot and enjoy just chilling out together on their own without anyone to distract them.

-They both are very defensive of each other and if one gets upset the other gets super worried and demands to know exactly what happens and who they have to "talk" to (talking for Mondo means almost beating them up while for Taka it means scolding them). They then have more cuddles.

-Taka at first felt like an outcast in the friend group because he was the one who took the rules seriously. He thought they didn't like him but Mondo reassured him that he was fine and soon they all become best friends.

And a lot more to come later.

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