Chapter 3

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Kaiserreich dutifully woke him when the train passed into the valley and a huge fork--Verwall--loomed ahead in the Alps. The long windows in Austria-Hungary's sleeping car no longer faced the cliff but rather the wide open vale with its mountainous wall. He squeezed the empire's hand and continued leaning on his shoulder, though he had woken up surprised at this. He had not imagined the empire to be so tender as to allow his uniform to be rumpled. Then again, Germany was always quick to recover. He didn't have a sweat stain in sight.

"It has only been an hour. You may sleep a while longer," Germany whispered against Austria-Hungary's temple.

"No, no, I cannot be a bad host." Austria-Hungary covered his mouth as he yawned. "Besides, you have not seen the rest of the train."

Germany's chiseled chin brushed down his cheekbone to place a chaste kiss upon it. "Like I said before... I'm here to see Austria, am I not?"

Austria-Hungary swallowed audibly. His facial muscles fluttered, and his shoulders bunched up slightly at the kiss. A little whimper escaped his lips. Quickly, he bit his lower lip to suppress it.

"Perhaps you can tell me where the next train station is," Germany suggested almost innocently. How was he supposed to concentrate with Kaiserreich pressed so close, speaking in that deep methodical voice, hot breath against his skin, his gloved hand reaching over slowly to Austria-Hungary's knee. "We started here--Innsbruck--and we headed west." Germany was talking, but at the same time, his hand slowly drifted up Austria-Hungary's leg. "Is our stop here?" A gloved hand curled its claws into his inner thigh.

"Nuh-no," Austria-Hungary sputtered. "It's further west... in... ahh"--Germany's hand dragged up all the way to where his pants joined--"in Bludenz! Hahhh..." His spine arched like a bridge as Germany palmed him fully. Germany's mouth buried itself against his ear, all the better to ensnare the dual monarchy with his devilish bass. His thick thumb rubbed circles in Austria-Hungary's hipbone.

"Joining the westernmost state with the rest, I see. Very sensible," Germany complimented, and Austria-Hungary gasped, bucking against that hand as the fingers curled and teased, flexing, massaging, grinding against the seam of the uniform. He craved the praise just as much as that hand.

"K-Kaiserreich." His head dropped against Germany's shoulder. Cheeks flushing, he reached over to cling to Germany's left arm with both hands, rolling his hips. "You... you don't know how many times I fantasized about this, about you, about... about us, like this, in even more debauched ways."

Germany's hand stopped, and he tilted his head forward. "Truly?" he asked. Austria-Hungary nodded in frantic response. Germany gave him a slow considering look. "Would you teach me?"

Austria-Hungary jolted away back from his shoulder. A mix of delight and nervousness poured forth in equal portions, and he nearly regretted bringing it up, lest the German Empire decide things would be better as formal allies and nothing more. What if he was being too fast? Too forward?

"Would you kiss me first?" he asked breathlessly.

Swooping in, the Empire immediately snatched his mouth. Austria-Hungary opened up to him fully, his head swimming, a hot haze coming over him the moment those teeth touched his lips. Germany's hand created a heavy, comfortable pressure against his loins. As much as he would like to never breathe again if it meant giving Germany his air, Austria-Hungary pulled away first, panting.

The Empire kissed his cheek, then his brow, whispering, "I have your glasses here" and offering his left hand.

Austria-Hungary reluctantly took the crowned frames, knowing how quickly they could be cast aside again or fogged up if Germany kept kissing him so heatedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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