Telling Him You're Pregnant Pt.1

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Tommy Shelby:
A few days it had been keeping you awake. The thought of something, an actual human being growing inside of you, a perfect mixture of you and the only man you will ever love. Thomas Shelby.

7:45 in the morning your clock read, the sun starting to peak through your thin cloth curtains and the chirp of birds that were starting to awake, the factories already roaring away, these were the sounds that made you feel most at home.

You were awoken to the loud, thumping pound of a fist at your door, pulling you out of your daydream you grab your gun like Tommy had always told you to, just in case, and wrap your favourite pink silk robe around your growing body. Stealthily, you tip-toe down your stairs to the constant bang against your frail wooden door, the wood starting to splinter. Opening to see the face that bought you comfort, the face that bought you hope in your future.
Thomas Shelby.

"Tom? What are you doing at this time in the morning? Pulled me out my nice warm bed!"
You go to give him a hug which he accepted and a kiss on his cheek.
"Sorry it's so early, but I've done it." He says.
To which your reply "Done what?"
"Signed up for the war" with a look of almost smugness on his face.
"I- Tom why would you do that?"
"I wanna fight for my country, Arthur, John and Freddy done it too with me."
You walk back into your house, and sit down at your dining table, trying to process just what hell happened.

"Tom I think you should come sit down there is a lot of talking for us to do"
He takes a seat opposite you, your hands locked in yours. A million thoughts were wizzing through your mind at that point
"How the hell do I tell him?"
"What if he doesn't ever come back?"
"What if God's plan is for us to have more kids but he doesn't come back, then I suppose that was God's doing to, he always takes the best first."
"Would he want to even come back to us after the war?"
"What if he is a completely different man once he comes back?"
"How long will he be away for?"
"Would he even be here for the birth?"
"Would he even get to see a mini version of us running about?"

"Look I know this is a lot to take in my love but I promise, a few months and I will be back, I will come back to you."
He stares deeply into your eyes waiting patiently for a response.
Thoughts consuming your mind, it's now or never.
"Tom dear I'm pregnant."
Finally looking up to see the shock in his bright, ice blue eyes. He grips your hands even tighter than before.
"Well that's thrown a spanner in the works hasn't it love!" Smiling like the Cheshire Cat.
"Your still going though I'm guessing?"
"Yes, but I promise you I will be back right in time for the birth, no way am I missing bringing another Shelby into the world, even though we already have john's lot!"
He jumps up and joins you at your side, opening his arms up to you, you take up on the offer and melt in his touch taking in every single one of your senses, the smell of his Cologne, the gentleness of his breathing and especially taking in every single feature of his face because god knows when will be the next time you will see him, for all you knew it could be years, and in your worst nightmares never again.

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