Telling Him You're Pregnant P.t 5

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Another day, another job, this time it was for Mr Michael Gray.
You and Michael had been quite close ever since he had decided to move in with his mum, however you were only ever friends with benefits.
You both knew you would never be able to get into a relationship with each other. It just never felt right to either of you.

You walked over to the Shelby Limited Company offices and walked up to the front desk.
"I'm here to see Michael Gray, is he in his office?"
"I'm afraid he doesn't have anything booked in at the moment, so no, you can't go see him if you don't have an appoint written down."
"Well, if he isn't busy doing anything, I'll make him be busy by doing me!"
And with that you strutted away from that old hag like you owned the place.

Next thing you know you finish up with Michael, and have a lovely chat about anything and everything, about how he is going away to America for a bit, and how much he will miss your good business you provide

2 months later
You walk down the street that goes past the train station. Today was the day that Michael apparently came back. However, you weren't as excited as everyone else, even more so than his own mum.

You heard rumours about him trying to take over the business and how he has gotten married but you didn't want to believe it until you saw your proof.

You didn't think the proof was going to be that quick though. There he was with a woman on his arms, red lips and blonde hair, looking like an absolute film star.

You being the little petty person you are though tried to make the best out of this situation as you could.
You shout in your fakest happy voice ever.
"Oh my gosh it's actually you, how have you been? Missed me much?"
You smile with your arms open as you walk over to him.
"Erm yeah, Y/N meet Gina, Gina Gray."
"Oh, so your her then."
Looking her up and down.
You gently and subtly push her arm off of his and give him the biggest hug ever, stroking his the back of his neck and giving his a big kiss on the cheek.

"So, how was it all?"
You surprisingly sounded somewhat interested.
"Yeah, it was good, the captain married me and Gina on the ship, since she is ah- carrying my child."
Jesus Christ he beat me to it
You thought.
"Oh well congratulations from me, but there is something I really need to tell you."
You look at Gina and back to Michael
"In private."
"If there is anything you need to tell my husband you can tell it to me too."
"Right we'll ok then. Erm Michael before you left do you remember our little office meet-up? Yeah so, you didn't pull out quick enough and I am also ... pregnant with your child."

"And before you say it no, I'm not getting rid."
"Ok well I think we should talk about this, sat down."

You, Michael and Gina walk over to a small cafe, and take a seat near the back.
"I've already come up with how I want to raise the child."
You say to Michael.

You being the independent woman you are decided it would be best for you to raise your baby as a single mother. Get a sustainable job and live happily ever after, even if Michael came back without Gina this would have of still been the plan.

You explained this all to him and he agreed that it would also be the best option, especially with the work he does.

Gina quickly left, leaving you and Michael with some alone time.

"You do realise now that I have come back I regret everything."
He says to you.
"What sort of things?"
"Marrying her, getting her pregnant, even joking the business for gods sake. I want us to run away, from everything, raise our child together in the country somewhere."
"Michael me and you both know that this won't be able to happen."
"But a guy can dream right?"
"He most certainly can."


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R.I.P to an angel who only just gained her wings, Helen you were an aunt to us all at one point. You will be missed dearly and keeping you, your family and peaky family in our heart always.
In the bleak midwinter.

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