Chapter nine

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,,Tommy?" He hears the voice as clear as day, while everything else is fading away. There's a painful silence as he's slowly turning around. It could be a hallucination. But no, no those don't make him feel this way. As opposite to the million thoughts swirling in his head every second, now his brain is just a comfortable, yet tense buzz. 

First he sees the soft and fluffy head of hair. The blond colour holds the sunlight trapped within, like an angel's halo. 

The Familiar lanky figure, long hands that are now hanging at his sides and the legs that are shuffling akwardly.

The clothes. WCKD's uniform, before laced with blood and the black liquid, are now perfectly clean.

Thomas doesn't feel like he's ready but his eyes are already ahead of him, looking at his face.

That adorable nose. Beautiful deep brown eyes that mesmerize Thomas completely. His lips- the ones he wants so badly to kiss. 

As they stare at one another for what seems like an enternity, Thomas somehow falls in love with him all over again. This time falling without feeling the impact of it because he is there to catch him. Newt catches him literally too and he's going to make sure that he's never- letting you go again Tommy. I promise.

As they finally embrace eachother tightly, the burning in their chests goes away, replaced by a warm aura of pure happiness, love and relief. 

,,Newt? how is this possible?" Tommy brokenly whispers as he takes ahold of his face, tears spilling over. Staring into Newt's eyes, trying to figure out if this is real. Doubt and uncertainty make his features turn into a frown. 

Newt's trying to say something, to make out some words but he can't seem to find his voice as he looks over at his- Tommy.

,,Are you rea-"

 He pushes himself forward.

As their lips connect there's no fireworks, or sparks. But there is something. It feels safe and like it's crackling with electricity. A feeling of certainty. A feeling of home and desire. It's purely love.

Their moment ends as they pull away and Newt is happy to see that instead of the frown Tommy wore before, he's now smiling so much he's practically shining. He's never seen him smile like that.

,,Is this real enough for you?" He asks, finding some control over his voice. The voice that Thomas could be hearing all day without complains.

Although neither can say something more as Minho practically tackles Newt onto the ground, hugging him like his life depended on it. 

Newt can feel a wet spot forming on his shoulder and he hugs Minho tighter even tho they're in a very uncomfortable position on the ground. 

He isn't stupid, he knows how much pain they went through because of him but when Ava gave him the chance to return to the living? He didn't hesitate. And he could bring two more people with him too. He thinks he made a good choice as he turns his head slightly to see Chuck crushing Thomas like a teddy bear. 



,,Dad?" She asks, her voice small and wobbling. He look over at her and he runs to hug her so fast she lets out a small oomph, stumbling a little as he cries. Her dad was never the one to cry much, but if his daughter is alive, all the pretend faces of a man with no emotion go out of the window. To hell with this my Daughter's back! He lets out a small laugh and she kisses him on the cheek. 

She slowly releases him as she raises her head to look at the pack. 

,,A-Allison?" Scott breathlessly asks and that prompts to Lydia, Kira, Scott and even Melissa to hug her so she almost can't breathe. 

Tears, hugs and apologies are exchanged and she seeks out the face she needs to talk to. 

,,Stiles?" She waves her hand to indicate that he should follow her to the spare room. He doesn't have a good feeling about this but he goes anyway. It's the least he can do.

She closes the door and turns around. Stiles is already starting to talk. 

,,I'm so sorry Allison, it was all my fault. I couldn't stop them, I let you down and-" 

She gently put her hand on his mouth. 

,,Let me talk okay?" She softly requests and he just nods as she takes her hand away.

,,Dying was a lot more different than I imagined it would be. I thought it would be peaceful, I would see a light and everything would be okay again. It was not like that unfortunately. It was painful, and terrifying." A tear rolls down her cheek. Stiles flinches because Oh my god she hates me and the worst part is, I totally deserve it. But she composes herself rather quickly.

,,But, I want to tell you something Stiles. I don't regret it. I don't regret making that choice of saving you, and I never will. You have no right to blame yourself. And I will tell you that every day if I have to, until you really start to believe it. And oh god what you've been through? I saw the videos Stiles. You are so strong and amazing. I'm not sure if any of us could survive what you did, really. And when I say that you, Stiles Stilinski, is one of the most amazing people I had the chance of meeting, I wouldn't be lying. I can't say I forgive you-" She's touching his arm lightly but strong enough so that he can't just flee away. 

,,I don't forgive you because there is nothing to forgive. My death was NOT your fault." She whisper-yells the last sentence as she hugs him tightly. 

He hugs her back, as a tear rolls slowly down his cheek. And she's right. There is no way he could've stopped it from happening. He was almost dying in a tunnel at that time. 

,,Do you agree or will I bother you with this every hour until you get it?" She asks seriously.

,,N-no. Thank you Allison." He tries to swallow the lump in his throat. Three people just came back from the dead. All somehow because of him. Or that's what they said to him. And he's so incredibly happy.

,,Good." She smiles the perfect sweet smile that shows her dimples. 

,,Because I wanted to ask about you and Newt-" 

He groans as her giggles turn into laughs while she continues to tease him.

This is the best day ever. He thinks when he later presses a soft kiss to Newt's lips.





Oof okayyy so here it is sorry for leaving yall on a cliffhanger just to write this 'masterpiece' but yay! I actually don't know what to do next? Should I make them react to more videos? Do I just somehow finish this story? I have no clue soooo if you have any ideas then go on! the comments- go!

I think the fact that I don't know how to write emotions really showed in this but at least I tried okay? I think it's relatively tolerable (I hope lol).

Hope you liked the chapter and have a nice day or night....whatever.

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