Sheriff Of Nottingham - (1) 🥄

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First of the jealous series

George invited a number of nobles to the castle for a large feast to celebrate Christmas. He had planned it to be a large feast to impress those he invited and hoped that he would get them all on his side rather than the kings.

The day came when the feast was going to occur. George was too busy to talk to you until the very end of the day when the feast began. A servant came to your room and invited you down to join the feast with your husband George, so slowly you got up and headed towards the door, annoyed that he hadn't visited you today at all.

When you got downstairs you were greeted by the delicious smell of meat, food and wine so you followed the smell to reach the main hall where many people sat talking and eating. Slowly you walked up the side, past the people until finally reaching the head of the table where Goerge sat.

"My dear" he said, smirking and kissed your cheek gently, taking your hand in his.

"Good evening Sheriff" you said, squeezing his hand.

"Have you had an eventful day?" he asked.

"Not very" you murmured, letting go of his hand.

George raised his eyebrows and went back to looking over the hall. You looked over the hall also to see many nobles, the Justice of Peace and other less important people who worked in law and order. You took some food from a plate in front of you and slowly ate it, your eyes searching the room for anyone you knew, however, your efforts were in vain and you looked down at the plate. You took a drink of wine and looked at George who was laughing with the noble who was sitting next to him. You smiled, he was enjoying himself and you loved that he was happy.

You took another bite of food and watched as a servant slowly walked up the room and up to George. The sheriff looked up at the servant with a glare. "What?" he asked, impatiently.

"Your cousin has been given another report of Robin Hood" the servant. George's face went red and he grabbed the scruff of the servant's neck, pulling him down to his face. "Not so loud churl" he hissed and pushed him away, standing he stalked out of the room.

"Is he always this manic?" someone asked next to you.

You looked up to see a handsome noble next to you, he was younger than the others at the table and his eyes glinted with hidden laughter.

"Yeah" you said chuckling. "But he is lovely when you get to know him and when he is less manic he is wonderful company."

"I am glad" the noble said. "So tell me how did you meet George?" he asked.

You explained how you met and what led the two of you to be married. The noble seemed interested and nodded away to your talking. Over the time you were telling your story George hadn't returned at all which made you worried for yourself and for him for the noble throughout the conversation had moved towards you and placed his hand on your thigh. You looked at his hand and the noble smiled.

"All that story shows that you deserve someone more powerful and better than the Sheriff" the noble said, stroking your thigh.

You grabbed his hand and pushed it away. "No" you said plainly.

"Why?" The noble asked.

"Because they are mine" a voice said behind the noble. Goerge had returned just in time and held a dagger to the man's throat. "I could arrest you here" he hissed

"You wouldn't dare" the noble hissed.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked, slowly drawing the dagger across his skin, leaving no marks. The room had gone deathly quiet. "You heard it well. Now get out of my hall or I will slit your throat"

The noble looked angrily at George then at you, stood and walked out. The other nobles and people watched as the humiliated noble walked out of the hall George smirked, sitting down in his seat.

"How was catching Robin Hood?" you asked.

"A fruitless endeavour again" George said, picking up one of the pieces of meat. He suddenly pulled out the knife which he had ran across the nobles throat and handed it to you. "Use this if any other noble has the audacity to do what that man did" he said.

"Thank you" you said, marvelling at the beautiful dagger in your hand.

George nodded and went back to his eating. He watched the people in the room. He was angry that people wanted to take you away from him so he was wary for the rest of the evening, shooting looks at anyone who looked at you. George put his hand on your thigh and you jumped but relaxed when you saw it was the hand of your husband who clutched your thigh possessively.

"I am not going anywhere" you whispered in his ear.

"Good" he said, letting go of your thigh slightly. You put your hand on his and stroked it gently, trying to put his mind at rest that you were not doing anywhere. 

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