Chapter 11

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Chen POV:

I'm so confused... he has a new girl and he still wants JinMi? Oh hell no! I went through a lot of work trying to get her to just call me Yeobo. And now she's mine I ain't giving that up no way!

"Yeobo~ah will he really come for me?" JinMi asked cuddling me

"He can try but I won't let him" I smiled

"Thanks... I love you" she smiled and gave me a soft kiss

"I love you too" I laughed lightly

Lucas POV:

I'm coming for you JinMi! Yes I'm coming for you! I'm not leaveing you cause I want to, I'm leaving you because I'm forced to. It was a one night thing and now I've got her pregnant I've got to take care of her.

I want my JinMi! I love her for fuck sake! Why did I get this fucking bitch pregnant?! Her French accent is so annoying

"yeobo ~ ah venir me faire l'amour (Yeobo~ah come and make love to me)" she smirked

"aucun (no)" I said and packed my things

"vous ne avez pas rompre avec votre petite amie? bonne? alors venez jouer avec moi Oppa (didn't you break up with your girlfriend? Good? So come and play with me Oppa)" she laughed

"taire, ce est pas comme Je te aime (shut up, it's not like I love you)" I glared at her

"ne avez-vous me baiser? (Didn't you fuck me?)" she asked

"Je étais excitée et je avais besoin d'une houe pour baiser! ne ont pas votre rends compte que je criait le nom de Jinmi tout le temps? (I was horny and I needed a hoe to fuck! Didn't you realise I was shouting JinMi's name the whole time?)" I shouted

"peu importe! (whatever!)" she shouted and ran to bed

I started packing my bags and buying plane tickets for my flight to korea. I still love her and she said she's married? I can't believe that it's not true. JinMi I am coming to help you...

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