Chapter 35

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Marcus refused to move from Bridgette's side as Moira and Christine tended to her. He would take no food or offer of relief as he waited for her to return to him. He kept the new babies with him as well, rocking, and changing their soiled napkins, only letting them out of his sight long enough for the wet nurse to feed them before demanding they be brought back to them.

Nothing but the needs of his children could distract him from his vigil over his wife.

After two days, Bridgette finally opened her eyes.

She saw Marcus asleep in the chair at her bedside, a small bundle clutched to each shoulder. Reaching over, she gently touched Marcus' arm.

Instantly awake Marcus jumped, causing the babies to wail.

"Bridgett," he said, sliding from the chair to kneel beside her, pressing the babes into her arms.

"Bridgett, meet our son and our daughter. I named the boy James just like you wanted, but I couldn't think of a name for the girl."

A weak smile came to her dry, pale lips.

"He looks like you," she said looking at the boy.

"Yes," Marcus laughed softly, kissing the boy's hand. "Poor bairn."

"No," she answered, pulling the bundle closer to her. "He's perfect."

Now she turned to the other child, her daughter.

"I would like to name her Moira," Bridgette said, her finger gripped in the infants hand. "Do you like it?"

Wiping a tear from his own cheek, Marcus nodded.

"I think Moira is perfect, Moira Christine."

"Bridgett," he said, clearing his throat, "I want you to know how much I love you."

"I love you," she said, her heart swelling.

"Marcus," she said, her grandfather coming to mind, "what happened to Douglas?"

"Bridgette, my love," he said, hoping the news did not cause her more sadness. "Douglas is dead."

Her whole body visually relaxed.

"Thank God," she breathed, kissing each child on the head.

"Bridgett," Marcus said, clearing his throat, "I am the one who shot him."

Looking at him, she smiled.

"Even better," she said.

She finally felt peace in her heart. She had a husband who loved her as much as she loved him, and two children she could shower with all of the love she felt in her heart.

Kissing each child on the top of their fuzz covered heads, she didn't feel so broken anymore.


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