I: The Glade

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I hear a bang. The room of sorts that I'm in starts moving up as I choke on water struggling to breathe. finally I can breathe again but I still can't see.  I can hear a rusting and I turn my head to at least attempt to see what its coming from. as I turn my head a light flickers on, I can see again. I peer over to where the noise came from and see that there seems to be some sort of animal in the room with me. It's a pig.

"Hello?" I yell "Can anyone hear me?" my yelling is useless no-one can hear me.

the room starts moving faster and I look top to see that in not in a room in in an elevator of some kind. I look down and see that it's practically a cage. it stars moving faster and faster and I start to panic. I look up again and see hat theres a red light above me, what does that mean? The cage moves faster. 

"HELP!" I say banging on the side of the cage "help me!"

No-one comes to save me. As predicted.

the cage keeps speeding up as I start crying and realise that I can't remember anything at all, not my name, not how old I am, nothing. I cry harder knowing that I'm probably going to die here without ever knowing my name, I mean I must have used to know it. the cage moves faster and faster with no sign of stopping. I look up as a single tear escapes from my eye and I see the red light zooming towards me. 

Would the cage fall down the shaft on impact?

Would I die on impact?

It's weird, actually, wondering how you're going to die. 

"please, help me..." I whisper as I fall to the ground knowing my fate.

I look up a final time and see the red light mere meters above me now. I close my eyes as I brace myself but nothing happens

I wait for a moment.

I open one eye and sit there looking up at the now green light. A wave of relief washes over me as I realise that I am not dead. But then the wave back fires because I now realise that I am going to die in this box anyway. All I have is a pig to keep me company. As I sit there worrying.  The top of the box opens revealing a bright white light that's blinding.

"Hello?" I say

I look up as my eyes adjust to the daylight and I see a crowd of people watching over me. Well its not really a crowd. It's like a dozen people. One of the people jumps down. I hear the whole crowd of people mumble something abut how I'm a girl.

"Get away from me!" I yell scrambling into the corner of the box.

"Hey! Hey calm down it's ok you're safe now." The person says.

"Who the fuck are you people?" I yell.

The person offers me a hand.

"We're your new family" the person says.

I take their hand as they pull me up into the light. I step out of the box and see four walls surrounding me. there is a forest in one corner and there are a few buildings dotted around. I see that there is a gap in one of the walls. I start walking towards it, then I start running. I didn't know how fast of a runner I was until then. I ran as fast as I could to the gap in the wall but someone grabbed me, I turned round to see the person who helped me out of the box. he was a boy. I looked behind him. they were all boys. I was the only girl. I liked back at the boy who had grabbed me and he let go 

"Sorry." He said. He was British."I'm Newt"

"hey, I'm...I'm...I don't know" I said

"Its ok no-one remembers at first don't stress about it. But thank FUCK theres another British person here it was getting boring being the only one"

I hadn't even realised it myself yet but I was in fact British.

"here...Newt where exactly are we?"

he laughed under his breath.

"Welcome to the glade greenie"

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