Chapter 1: Not Very Fun News

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If there are any spelling mistakes it is not my fault as I am not English in real life so please understand me.


Veronica had been waiting for her husband for hours, he had promised to be there to have dinner with her but unfortunately she had to dine alone on an empty table.

The door opened to reveal a gasping and sweaty Chad.

Veronica already knew what took her a long time to come here.

He had sex with a whore.

"I'm sorry my love but I had some business to take care of."  Chad said moving over to Veronica wanting to kiss her on the mouth which Veronica refused.

Chad frowned at this act coming from his wife.

"Veronica, can't I kiss you?"  said the businessman to his sweetheart.

“You didn’t come on time today Chad… I who believed you were being loyal to me.”  Said Veronica looking at him in them.

Chad looked at her in confusion.

“He was a really good actor,” Veronica thought to herself.

"My love, I already told you!"  He said staring at her.

Veronica got up from the chair and faced him.

"I am tired."  She said simply then turned on her heels and went straight to her bedroom.

Chad's arm made her stop making her growl.

“Veronica, I am your husband and I will never lie to you!”  said her fiancé lying to her.

The young woman, tired of her dear husband's lies, sighed then turned and left this time without Chad intervening.

It was 8am and Archie was in his kitchen making lunch.
A hand rested on his shoulder, turning his head towards the person.


"Hello my heart."  Betty said making him wince mentally at that nickname he hated from his par.

“Hello to you too betty.”  Archie told him turning his head to continue making his omelet.

Betty walked over to a stool by the counter then sat on it, crossing her arms, watching the young cook.

"Are you making me too?"  She said making him look at her.

Archie only smiled then reached for the box of egg and took one and smashed it to put the liquid in the pan.

When Archie was done cooking he took two plates and put the eggs and bacon on them.

Very classic.

"I was wondering if you could go to my seat with Veronica to pick up some documents that I left with Kevin?"  Betty said looking at him as she placed the plate next to her.

“It doesn't bother me at all.”  He said simply as he sat down on a stool across from the blonde.

“Awesome!  It relieves me because I didn't have anyone to replace me. "  She said, arching the redhead's eyebrow.

"Why don't you know how to go?"  He said curiously.

“I have to go to Kevin to help him at the school in riverdale.”  She said making Archie nod.

When they had finished their lunches and their little conversations, Betty stood up and then kissed Archie and then left.

The sound of the front door closing made him look around, thinking of the memory of his teenage years.

He snapped out of his thoughts and got up to clean what was on the counter.

Veronica was in Riverdale High School in her office, her classroom, looking at old photos of her as a teenager.

Scrolling through the pictures with her finger, she came across an old photo of herself and her ex-boyfriend.

Archie Andrews.

The brown-eyed girl sighed as she looked at the photo.

She wanted so much to be able to go back in time so that she could correct all the mistakes in her life, including that of marrying the man who lied to her every day.

She turned off her phone when the classroom door opened revealing Betty.

“Hi Betty!  What is your presence worth to me? ”  Veronica said watching her walk over to a table where she sat down.

“I came to talk to you for tonight.”  Said the blonde looking around.

"Ah yes, why?"  said the raven haired girl.

“I won't be able to come with you and I'm sorry but I found an absolutely great person to go with you!”  Betty said, clapping her hands.

Veronica was frowning at what Betty just told her.

"Who is the person who will replace you?"  she said, waving her fingers over the words "Will replace you."

“Archie, my boyfriend.”  Betty said with a big smile.

Veronica swallows thinking about Archie.

Since coming back to riverdale, she hadn't really spoken to Archie just once after arriving here.

Veronica just gave him a smile and said:

"I'm happy."  She said simply playing with her fingers.
“I'm really glad you don't mind!  I'm going but thank you very much V‼ ”said Veronica's ex-best friend.

She didn't like it when Betty called her that because it brought back memories that she personally didn't want to think about again.

Veronica only gave her a soft smile as she watched her leave and closed the door behind her.

Veronica put her hands in her dark hair and closed her eyes, letting out a moan.

She didn't want to have told him everything because Veronica knew it would be very complicated.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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