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That night, Jake and Sunghoon decided it was best to forget about the kiss and the confusing feelings they both were feeling. Not that they can actually, mentally push the thoughts aside but they'll try. Besides, Sunghoon has a girlfriend. One who is sitting in-front of Jake at this very moment.

"So, why did you call me here?" Jake asked, making eye contact with the small-framed girl.

"You know how it's Hoonie's birthday in a few days? I don't know what to get him." A pout forms on her face.

"That's why—you called me here? You couldn't ask him what he would want, yourself?" Jake was already annoyed by her presence. Not that she was an annoying person per se, but definitely not someone Jake was wanting to see anytime soon. He would much rather spend this time knitting or reading a book. Which he never does.

Another reason is because she's Sunghoon's girlfriend. Of course, he didn't think that was a valid reason to be annoyed at someone—he's not crazy—but that didn't change the way he felt.

"It's supposed to be a surprise gift, Jake. Of course I couldn't ask! Or maybe I should get him an apology gift beforehand."

Jake was curious. "An apology gift? For what?"

"We got into a disagreement yesterday and he's been pretty upset since. I apologized but he told me he needed space."

That makes sense why they weren't with each other. They're up each other's asses so much Jake didn't think they could get into arguments. "What was it about?"

"I tried to kiss him and he didn't want to—I didn't mean to seem like I was forcing him into it or anything. I just told him that couples kiss and show skin ship and I don't know. We just disagreed."

Jake knew that sometimes in the heat of the moment things happen. People kiss. People touch. It happens but if you're not sure how the other feels—you don't just go for it.

"You should've talked to him about it first. Just because you two are a couple doesn't mean you guys have to do those things. Only if both are comfortable and ready. Consent is key."

"You're right. I just feel like he shows more affection towards you or the guys. He can't even hold my hand in public without me asking him to." Minji twiddles her thumbs.

Jake sighs deeply. "The only thing I can say is to talk to him about it. I cant speak for him. Also, gifts don't resolve everything."

Minji nods and the air thickens. "Has he had his first kiss yet, at least?" Jake's eyes widen.

"Uhm, no." He gulps. "He hasn't. Well, that's what I know."

"Really? That's so cute." She coos and the air fell silent again. Jake just simply didn't know what to say.

"Well, thanks for meeting me here and for the advice. You should be a counselor or something." Jake smiles softly and watches as she waves and leaves the cafe.


"Minji told me you two met up yesterday." Sunghoon mentions as they walk up the stairs to Jake and Jungwon's dorm room.

"Yeah, she asked me for advice. I heard you two got in a disagreement." Jake couldn't help but let out a  chuckle.

Sunghoon returns the chuckle that turns into a laugh. "You? For relationship advice?"

"Hey! She said I should become a counselor or something."

"She was being nice." Sunghoon's smile widened. Jake was really happy that they could talk like they used to again. Even if the new tension between them isn't what he's used to—it's not an uncomfortable feeling though.

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