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"Ready to go?"

To say Jake was nervous was an understatement. To say he wasn't worried would be lying. But he did feel better—reassured because him and Sunghoon talked almost the whole night about what could happen. With complaints from Jay and Jungwon, of course.

"Yes, let's do this." Jake intertwined his fingers with Sunghoon's.

"We'll just walk up there and go to our classes. Show them we're unbothered."

Jake nodded. They knew running away from the situation wouldn't make the situation any better. They wanted to show the people that they're unbothered, together, and happy. Besides, they did all the crying and worrying over the phone last night.

As soon as they walked to the main part of campus, people surrounded them. Mostly surprised that they were holding hands—especially after half the school shit talked them.

Thankfully, no one actually came up to them to say anything.

Sunghoon walked Jake to his first class and then left for his. Of course, after Sunghoon reassured the shorter for the fifth time just that morning.

Heeseung: everyone okay so far?
Niki: Yeah if anyone comes at you I will 🤺
Jay: i'll shove their own feet up their asses if I have to
Sunghoon: everything's fine guys
Sunghoon: thank you 🥺
Jungwon: hyung bringing out the emoji oh no
Sunoo: omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Jake: all good <3

Jake really couldn't thank his friends enough. He couldn't get through this—or honestly anything without them. They're his support systems.

"I can't believe he showed up to class. What a joke." He hears from behind him.

Jake bit his bottom lip, debating on whether to say something or to ignore the mumbling around him. He knew him and Sunghoon were the main topic of the school. Even the professors were talking about them.

"He has some nerve coming today."

"I heard Sunghoon showed up too."

"Yeah, they showed up holding hands."

Jake stood up from his seat and faced his classmates.

He scoffed. "Your assholes must be jealous of your mouths with the amount of shit you both talk. Why don't you mind your own business?" Jake sits back in his seat, letting out a shaky breath. Knowing everyone in his class was watching him.

He didn't regret it, not at all. It actually felt nice to get that out of his system. There was nothing wrong with him or Sunghoon. He was sick of people treating them like they were different or they were some kind of otherworldly creatures. They were people like everyone else.

The boy beside him taps his shoulder. "That was really cool, Jake. You guys are really brave. There's a lot of people who see you two as role models."

"Oh, thank you. We're trying to get through this as best as we can, too. And really? You think so?"

"Yes, there's a lot of people who are scared to be who they are because of the consequences."

Jake gave him a soft smile. It made him happy to hear that they can be considered role models. He forgot realize there could be other people going through the same or similar situations like theirs. People shouldn't be getting discriminated or hated on because of who they love.


"How were your classes?" Sunghoon asks, taking Jake's hand into his.

He couldn't help but notice their bracelet charms clinging onto each other, once again. He smiles at that thought.

After finding out that Seoyun broke his bracelet, Sunghoon got it fixed for him and surprised him with it last night.

He's in love with him and he knows.

"I couldn't really focus, but this boy who sits beside me told me that we're considered role models to people. There's a lot of people going through similar situations as us."

"I bet there are. It's not easy to admit and to realize those feelings—especially when you're surrounded by people who push negativity onto you." Sunghoon says and Jake nods.

"I'm lucky to have you by my side, though. Being with you makes all of this worth it."

"If you're lucky then I'm the luckiest." Sunghoon grins, reaching over to cup the shorter's cheeks with his hands.

One thing leads to another and they both lean in—lips touching passionately. Jake can feel his stomach twisting and turning. His lips moving with the other's. The taller tilts his head in a way that deepens the kiss. Jake's hands desperately reaching for more.

Jake breathes heavily as he feels the taller's breath on his neck. He can feel the goose bumps rise up on his skin. Feeling all the feelings at once.

They pull apart for a second—to catch up on breathing. Soft chuckles escape their swollen lips when seeing each other's state.

Sunghoon tucks the shorter's hair behind his ear. "I love you. Thank you for being my first love, before I even knew."

"I love you too, my first everything." Jake says, leaning in to feel the other's lips on his again.

Being in love is the best feeling in world.

Jake not only read that somewhere, but now he can finally understand why so many people feel that way.


thank you so much for all the support and love!
i truly appreciate everything and i plan on creating more stories so look out for those! i already have some planned for the near future!

with this fic being my first one, it does lack a lot and i plan on improving as i write more. i'll still be tweaking and adding things here and there. this fic honestly means a lot to me and i'm so happy i got to share this experience with you all!

i'll see you soon!

- ♡

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