Chapter 2:Something I Can Never Have

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Black reiatsu began to radiate off of Ichigo, it flowed up to the sky as the boy started to move

"What…is this?" Renji asked no one in particular

"This reiatsu" Rukia muttered "This reiatsu is the same I felt from above the dome!"


"What is it now?" Renji shouted a huge red cero came from above the dome

"It came from above the dome!" Chad shouted

An incredibly powerful reiatsu was evident from the roof, Rukia thought the reiatsu felt familiar but different at the same time, she then tried to feel who's it was, when she found it who it was coming from…her eye's widened…

"Is this reiatsu…Ichigo's?"


"This is the reiatsu I felt before…" Rukia said to herself

More changes occurred on Ichigo's body, red furry tufts materialized, one on each his wrists and ankles and two around his collarbone that stretched to his neck, His fingernails and toenails turned black and grew out to resemble claws and his muscles severely increased in size

"Do you see it Rukia?" Byakuya asked "Do you see what the boy truly is? He's a hollow"

Rukia didn't reply as she kept her eye's glued on Ichigo

"The fuck is this?" Yammy shouted

Red reiatsu blasted up into the Sky, the aura completely engulfed Ichigo, hiding him from View

"My, my" Mayuri chuckled "How very interesting"


Everyones eye's widened as the roar came from the gusher of reiatsu, The voice was low pitched and deep, unlike a regular hollows roar

"What…is he?" Renji asked

"This reiatsu" Unohana muttered "It's…incredible…"

A figure could be seen standing in the red gusher of reiatsu, its glowing eyes seemed pierced through them

"The hell?" Zaraki asked

"Kill…" Came a voice, it took them a few moments for them to realize that the figure in the reiatsu had been the one that had spoken "I…will kill you…."

The reiatsu faded away…and the everyone's eyes widened at the figure

His skin was pale white, there was a hollow hole in the centre of his chest with six black markings comings out of it, 4 of them stretched around to his back, the top 2 stretched up his neck and onto the figures mask, speaking of; the mask covered his entire head, had the two aforementioned stripes that passed his teeth and eyes and ended at the back of the mask, with two more that started at the back of the mask and ended at his forehead, There were also small markings resembling a heart, but with the top and bottom open, extending from the inner corners of his eyeholes. The mask had two long forward-pointing horns with small black lines extending from their centre towards the tips. The back of the figures long hair flowed in the wind

"I…Ichigo" Rukia stuttered "That…That creature is Ichigo?"

"What the fuck?!" Yammy roared

"Kurosaki…" Renji whispered

"You…" The creature said as he pointed to Renji

"Oh shit" He muttered under his breath

"The slaughter starts with you!" It said it charged

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