Chapter 8:Our WORLD

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Ichigo and the gang stepped out of the Garganta, they had arrived exactly were they left, the roof of Las Noches.

"So you're back" Ishida noted, standing next to a now healed Hanataro

"With more that just a few new comrades" Ichigo smirked as he held up Kyoka Suigetsu

"That's!-" Chad gasped

"Aizen's Zanpakutou" Ichigo smirked "Found it just as we were leaving"

"Did you kill the-" Hanataro began

"Sadly no" Ichigo groaned "Urahara, Yoruichi and…someone else stopped us"

"Who?" Uryu asked

"Don't know" he growled as he moved towards the hole on Las Noche's roof

"What's with him?" Uryu asked Rukia

"Like he said, he doesn't know" she said as she and the Espada began walking towards the hole on the roof


"It's Kurosaki now" She said as she leapt down the hole with Ichigo, the Espada followed

"She's even taken his name now" Orihime said sadly "I can't even tell myself I have a chance with him now…"

Ulquiorra looked at the Orange haired girl and saw once again she was trying to hold back her tears but failing

"What is she?" he asked himself "Why do I…care for her? She's a human and I'm an Arrancar, Is it because I feel like I owe her? am I in debt to her for reviving me?"

Ulquiorra chose to push it to the side for now as he returned to his normal form before making his way to the hole on the roof, he just couldn't stand looking at the upset Orihime, for some reason, when he looked at her…he felt…sad

"Damn these cursed emotions" he grumbled

"Come on Inoue-san" Ishida said "I'll take you, Sado and Yamada-san down to the surface with my Hirenkyaku"

"Not the 'Reiatsu Surfboard thingy' as Kurosaki likes to calls it" he said to himself

With Ichigo

"Ichigo, do me a favour" Rukia said as the descended down


"Don't revive the Espada I fought"

"Why not?" he asked

"Just don't" she said quietly "If I ever see that squid-bastard impersonate him again, I swear I'll rip his guts out"

"Alright, I understand" he nodded "but you do realise that now leaves us missing two espada, don't you?"

"Yes" she nodded "I'm sor-"

"Don't be" he interrupted "You're my wife, Las Noches is just as much yours as it is mine"

"Wife…I Like the sound of that" she smiled as they landed on the ground, noticing the lack of the Shinigami who had once been there and the Cero espada had changed back into his regular form…

"Oh it's you" Yammy chuckled "Tch, the others fell back…so now I'm gonna enjoy strangling to death Kurosaki Ich-"

"Cease" Ulquiorra interrupted as he appeared in front of Yammy

"Ulquiorra?" Yammy asked "What the f-"

"You can't kill the new leader" Starrk yawned as he arrived on the ground

"'The Hell are you talking about?" Yammy snapped

"He killed Aizen" Harribel stated "You know the law, he killed the former leader he's the new leader now"

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