Chapter 1- Life As We Know It

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"Ugh I don't understand this!" Victoria hollers as she is doing her science homework. She sits there zoning in and out of life. Vic is quite a normal girl, very smart, sweet, but can be selfish at times unintentionally. She has short brown hair with highlights and curtain bangs, she is stick skinny with no curves, but a slim waist. Her eyes are a dark brown, with tan skin, and is be pretty when she tries, she is a 14 year old Freshman in high school as well. Vic never struggles with her science homework but for some reason tonight she can't seem to stay focused, her head is fuzzy and she feels drowsy. Vic becomes frustrated and quickly picks up her phone to dial one of her best friends, Pearl.

"OMG Hiiii Vic I was just thinking about you, what's going on?" Pearl, chirpy as ever states when picking up.

"Do you understand this science homework, because I need help, like what is the difference between a Cation, and an Anion?"

"Girl- it is so easy, I can't believe I am the one giving you the answers!"

"Can you help me or not?" Vic snaps not intentionally meaning to be rude and once realizing she quickly apologizes. Pearl not remarking the comment goes on and on about what everything means expanding on each and every thing down to each detail.

Why does this girl talk so much

Vic annoyed just says "Okay, I do not need to know each element in the periodic table! You know, I have to go to the restroom, I'll be right back." Vic stands up from her white vanity, and exits her well decorated room, with fake vines on one side of her walls, and another with her bed and two white curtains on each side hanging.


When Vic gets back in her room she sees her phone off with her friend no longer there and a text message saying "Sorry, I have to go eat dinner" -Pearl.

You've got to be kidding me

"Well that's just great..." Vic sighs trying to keep her temper. She sits there a little while longer until giving up to take a shower to cool her nerves. She slumps out of her chair to grab her clothes, purple sweatpants, and a grey crew neck sweater. She gets to the bathroom having to pee, again, thinking it was just because she drank so much water, not even questioning why she's been so thirsty recently. Once in the shower she feels like she is going to pass out because of how exhausted she was, and with the warm droplets hitting her skin. She rushes to wash her hair and body so she can just go to bed, but realizes she hasn't shaved in two weeks. Being so tried, she doesn't even care and jumps out of the shower once finally rinsing the conditioner from her hair. She changes, brushes her teeth, and doesn't even bother to blow dry her hair, once she sets her alarms she drops in her bed with the warm comforter surrounding her, slowly shutting her eyes and drifting to her dreams.


Vic awoken by her annoying alarm slopes out of bed with a horrible headache and hits the cold ground, her feet where hot all night so it felt nice once they touched the floor. She slowly walks over to her closet trying to wake up, to pick out her clothes for today since it was Monday she had to get ready for school. She settles on a white tenis skirt, and a collared magenta crew neck sweatshirt, and some white Air Force ones with long Nike socks to pull the look together. She did her hair and makeup and felt confident in her look even though she felt like someone was punching her head. She tried to focus on getting ready thinking her headache is from her lack of sleep. She jumps when she suddenly hears her phone getting a call, it was her mom calling.

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