Chapter 2- School Life

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Once Vic entered the High School she was greeted by her two best friends, Pearl, and Sam, and her boyfriend, Alex. Pearl was probably the most bubbly person she knew, and had many similar features to Vic so many people constantly confuse them as siblings. Sam has a very strong personality and never takes crap from anyone, she looks very different from Pearl and Vic but nonetheless she was still pretty with light brown hair, and blue/green eyes. Alex is a huge geek, he isn't unattractive but he isn't exactly a hottie with his brown scruffy hair, hazel eyes, and his twig like features.

Alex didn't stay talking long so he kissed Vic and walked to the gym to meet up with some of the boys from their Freshman class. Vic and her two friends like to go sit in the Cafeteria in the morning since it was easier to get out to go to their classes. Vic waited at a table with her banana smoothie while her two friends went up to grab some breakfast, Vic hated the cafeteria food. Once the girls sat down to eat they started talking about random things.

"Omg I am literally so hungry!"

"Same, did you get the yogurt?"

"Yea I like it with the raspber..."

So tired...

Vic started to shut her eyes from her exhaustion but was startled when she heard her name. "Vic!? Are you good?"

"Yea I'm fine, just tired that's all" Vic smiled at them to show that she was okay, but that smile quickly faded when she saw the two cafeteria doors swing open to see little miss perfect and her posse. Skylar aka Sky, Vic's sworn enemy ever since she could remember. She stood there, her head held high looking like a Barbie doll. She had Blonde, long luscious hair, sky blue eyes, and the most perfect body with curves in all the right places. Every girl wanted to look like her, and every guy wanted to be with her, but if it couldn't get anymore cliche there was her Junior quarterback boyfriend, Josh. Sky was the same age as Vic, but that never stopped her at making Vic's life a living hell.

Oh gosh, here we go...

Sky's heels clicked as she started to walk towards Vic's direction with her little group running behind, to suddenly stop at Vic's table. Sky looked at Vic up and down, and began to whisper to her friends, Jasmine and Cleo, they giggled under their breathe as they occasionally looked at Vic and her friends. Vic was just stunned at how they just stood there making fun of her, so already not in the mood because she wasn't feeling well, Vic looked at Sky and said in a stern voice "What are you, in the second grade?"

"Ouch- my feelings are so hurt." Sky smacked back sarcastically, putting a grin on her face when she went to make her next remark "well, at least I shaved..." this comment made her whole squad laugh all the way across the cafeteria to sit at another table. It was almost like a scene straight from the movies with some stupid comeback, like it was actually funny. Vic just sat there with a face of regret remembering how she purposely didn't shave because she was so tired last night.

I should have shaved.

"Don't give her the time of day, who cares, we all have our lazy days." Pearl said trying to comfort her friend, but obviously Vic was just annoyed at the situation and just wanted to be back home in her nice comfortable bed with a cup of hot soup.

"Why is she such a... a-"

"A bitch." Sam just flat out said because she was so fed up with the way Sky acted. Sam and Sky use to be friends, that is until 5th grade when Sky threw Sam under the bus for something she didn't even do. Ever since then Sam hated Sky and wanted nothing to do with her. So slowly Sky became more popular creating her own click, while Sam met Vic and Pearl, who actually aren't nobodies, and somewhat popular, but that didn't matter to Sam, she just wanted kind friends.

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