Chapter One

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Nick walked into the courthouse and asked to apply for a marriage license. He was getting married to Lauren and she was meeting him there but was stuck in traffic. He went to see a judge and talked with him. The judge got out a folder and looked at some papers.

"I can't give you a marriage license, Mr. Carter," he said.

"Why not," Nick said.

"It shows you are married already," he said.

"What, I don't remember getting married, what's the date and where," Nick said.

"July 5, 2012, and there is no place listed on where it took place," he said.

"I was headed to London on that day, with my bandmates, no girls were around and I don't drink anymore," Nick said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Carter, I will check into this and let you know, but there is a marriage clause that you can't annul or divorce so this marriage is stuck," he said.

"I can't believe this!" Nick said.

"Do you have a number where I can reach you," the judge said. Nick gave him his phone number and address and went out the door and walked out of the courthouse just as Lauren came up to him.

"Nick, did you get it," Lauren said.

"No, we have to talk," Nick said.

"What is it," Lauren said.

"At the house," Nick said. They went home and Nick told her what the judge said.

"I know you didn't marry anyone else so somehow it was set up," Lauren said.

"It had to of been," Nick said.

"Want to call the guys?" Lauren asked.

"Not yet, not until there is more information," Nick said.

The next day, he received a call from the judge. He was married to a girl who lived in Missouri and he got her information and he called the guys and they came over and he told them everything. He decided to go find out what the girl knew. Nick, Brian, Howie, and AJ got on a flight to Missouri. They landed and Nick looked at the time and looked at the guys.

"Okay, the information says that she works Mondays thru Fridays at a grocery store in a city called Kearney until 2pm so let's get going," Nick said. They rented a car and drove to Kearney and found the store. They put on their hats and got out and walked into the store and looked around.

"Do you have a picture?" Brian asked quietly.

"Her name is Brizee," Nick said quietly.

"The employees look to be wearing name tags," AJ said quietly.

"Let's walk around like we are shopping," Brian said. They walked around the store. They saw a girl come out of the backroom with a cart full of frozen juice and was headed for the frozen food aisle. They walked over and saw her putting juice on the floor and she opened a door and sat on a milk crate and started stocking the juice.

"Excuse me, we are looking for Brizee?" AJ asked.

"I'm Brizee, can I help you?" she said as she stocked the juice. They looked at each other.

"We need to talk to you," AJ said.

"Well, you can talk while I work, I don't have all day to stock this stuff," Brizee said.

"Are you seeing anybody," Brian said.

"Nope, I used to have a boyfriend and I broke up with him because he couldn't keep a job and I got tired of supporting him and I was barely getting by," Brizee said.

"So you aren't married or seeing anyone," AJ said.

"Nope, I haven't found that right guy, I don't go out to clubs or drink or smoke, I'm allergic to cigarette smoke and my ex smoked all the time," Brizee said.

"Well, you should know you are married to me," Nick said. Brizee turned and looked at them. She recognized them.

"What, you guys, I know who you guys are, how is it possible that I'm married to you, I've hadn't left the state of Missouri in like eleven years," Brizee said.

"That's just it, it had to be set up," Nick said.

"And you guys think I did it, huh, well, sorry, I didn't have anything to do with it," Brizee said. She went back to work.

"We are just trying to find out the truth, and how it happened," Nick said.

"Well, when you do, let me know," Brizee said.

"Can you sing?" AJ said.

"Nope, and I hate having my picture taken so I don't have anything to gain from being married to a Backstreet Boy," Brizee said.

"Is he your favorite?" Brian said.

"Actually, he is and you are close second, Brian, and I know you are married to Leighanne and have Baylee, I'm not the kind of person to destroy a relationship or a marriage, I'm perfect content of my life, I have a roof over my head, food, a job, and a car, what else is there, I'm not in a hurry to find a husband," Brizee said.

"Well, you have one now," AJ said.

"So what are we supposed to do about it because I certainly don't know," Brizee said. She moved to the next door to continue stocking.

"Come to Florida with us to talk to the judge," Nick said.

"Why, I told you I had nothing to do with it," Brizee said.

"And I believe you but maybe we can get on with our lives if we face the judge and see a way out of this," Nick said.

"Well, I hope you all drove because I'm not getting on a plane," Brizee said.

"What," AJ said.

"I've never been on a plane and I never want to, you would have to hold a gun to my head to get me on a plane, besides, I can't leave my job, I've worked here for 14 years, I have a car payment and my folks can't afford it right now because they are pretty much raising their grandkids," Brizee said.

"When do you get time off?" Nick asked.

"I have this weekend and then I have six days starting next Thursday," Brizee said.

"Well, we will leave tomorrow after work and head down to Florida and you will have to get on the plane, and we will be there with you so you won't be alone," Nick said.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not getting on the plane," Brizee said. The guys looked at each other.

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