Chapter Three

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Two weeks later, after her last day of work, she was packed up and they went to Florida. They walked into Nick's house. Nick showed her to a room and she put her stuff down. The next day, Nick arrived home from hanging out with AJ and Howie and found Brizee sitting on the couch with an angry look on her face. She saw him and he sat down.

"What's wrong," Nick said.

"My ex-sister-in-law is a bitch!" Brizee said.

"What happened," Nick said.

"She wanted the kids for a week, so they go, the youngest one just had his birthday last week, she told him happy birthday, didn't bother getting him a birthday present, my niece had a birthday eight days before him, she got a bottle of nail polish, but my nephew didn't get squat, and then the middle one is being a smart ass and his mother thinks it's funny and she thinks it's funny that he's hitting his brother, she doesn't do anything about it, she would if the youngest one hit his brother but not the other way around," Brizee said. Nick looked at her.

"That is so not right," Nick said.

"I really want to go deck her ass but that won't solve anything, she would still be a bitch," Brizee said.

"Why did he let the kids go out there," Nick said.

"Because he is afraid that she would go after custody of the kids, just to spite him, he doesn't want to start another war but after the way she treated the youngest one, it's possible he will make sure she doesn't get the kids for a week, he will tell her that if she wants to see the kids, she'll have to come to them and spend a day with them but not the whole week out at her house," Brizee said.

"Anything I can do," Nick said.

"I just wish she would just go away and never bother my parents, my brother or the kids ever again," Brizee said.

"She will, I will see to it," Nick said. He got up and went out the door. She ran after him and caught him at the car.

"What are you going to do," Brizee said.

"I'm going to make sure she stays out of everyone's lives," Nick said.

"Why are you doing this," Brizee said.

"Because you are my wife and your family is my family and I take care of my family," Nick said. He got into the car and drove off. Brizee went back in and called her mom and told her what was going on.

"Mom, this might become a bigger mess than it is," Brizee said. Brian and AJ came in.

"Maybe not, Briz, let's see what happens," Susan said.

"I'll call you later, bye," Brizee said. She hung up.

"What's up," Brian said. Brizee told them what was going on. Brian sat down.

"Nick protects his family and since you are his wife, your family is his family," Brian said.

"I just don't know what he's going to do," Brizee said.

"Do what it takes, he knows you love your niece and nephews, you have told him how things were and now he is going to make things better for everyone," Brian said.

"But you guys don't know what he's going to do or how it will happen, what if it doesn't work," Brizee said.

"Then we will get Howie and Kevin and all five of us guys will take care of it, since you are married to Nick, you are part of the Backstreet Family and so is your family, we protect our family," Brian said.

The next day, Brian, Leighanne, AJ, Rochelle, Howie, Leigh, Kevin, and Kristin were at the house. The kids were at a play group at the community center. Nick came in.

"Hey man," Brian said. Brizee came downstairs. Nick looked at her.

"What happened," Brizee said.

"She will no longer be a problem for your parents or brother or niece or nephews anymore, she agreed to give up her parental rights and stay away from the kids, there is a restraining order against her and her husband, but her mother and sister can still see them, since your folks said they aren't a threat to them," Nick said.

"How did you manage that," Brizee said.

"Offered her a million dollars," Nick said.

"Nick," Brian said.

"She only took half," Nick said.

"So she settled for 500 thousand dollars to give up her rights and stay away from them," Brizee said.

"And your niece and nephews were okay with it, they preferred your brother's girlfriend to be a mother to them rather than their own," Nick said.

"And my folks and brother?" Brizee asked.

"More than okay with it, they officially welcomed me into the family," Nick said.

"Wow, thank you, it means a lot, I don't have to worry anymore about what she's going to do," Brizee said.

"I did it for the family," Nick said. Brizee smiled and hugged him.

"Well, since we are all here, let's have a barbecue," Brian said. Nick smiled and they all went out back and Nick fired up the grill. Brizee went into the kitchen and got food out. She got everything ready. Leighanne and Kristin came in and helped her get everything.

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