Chapter Nine

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The guys arrived back at the house three hours later and found the girls and kids gone.

"They must have went sightseeing," Brian said.

"I thought Briz wouldn't want to go out with her bandages," Nick said.

"She can't hide forever, it's a little chilly outside, she probably wore a turtleneck to cover the bandages," AJ said. The door opened and the girls and kids came in. Brizee went to Nick and hugged him.

"You okay," Nick said.

"I'm great, had a good time, the city is amazing," Brizee said resting her head on his shoulder.

"We got to go up the Eiffel Tower, Daddy!" Baylee said.

"That's great, bud!" Brian said. Brizee leaned against Nick.

"You okay, baby," Nick said to her.

"I'm just tired," Brizee said.

"Come on, you can take a nap and I'll hold ya," Nick said leading her up to their room. He closed the door and locked it and laid down on the bed and she laid down beside him and curled up against him as he held her close.

Three months later, they were getting ready for the tour. Brizee was completely healed and she and Nick had been in bed every spare moment possible. He was making love to her. She held onto him and met his every stroke. She cried out his name as she came around him. He came behind her, spilling himself inside her body. He laid on top of her and buried his face in her neck.

"God, baby, I love you," Nick said.

"I love you, too," Brizee said holding him close. He moved off and laid beside her and pulled her close to him.

"Tomorrow, we are going to the doctor, we've been trying for two months now, something had to happened by now," Nick said kissing her forehead. The phone rang. He reached over and picked it up.

"Hello, oh man, okay, I'll be there," Nick said. He hung up and kissed her and got up.

"What is it," Brizee said. He got dressed.

"Tour meeting at Johnny's office, be back later," Nick said. He kissed her deeply and went out the door. Brizee got up and got dressed and she felt sick and ran to the bathroom and threw up. She finished and leaned against the tub. She flushed the toilet and brushed her teeth and got out a bag from under the sink. She had bought three pregnancy tests. She took all three of them and laid them in the sink and smiled. All three were positive. She waited for Nick to come home. Two hours later, he came into the door and she hugged him.

"Come here," Brizee said. She pulled him into the bathroom and pointed to the sink. He saw the tests and looked at her. She nodded. He grinned and hugged her and swung her around and kissed her deeply.

"Oh god, baby, you have no idea how happy you have made me," Nick said.

"I think I do, but still have to go to the doctor," Brizee said. He kissed her and they went to the doctor and Brizee was indeed pregnant. They called everyone over. Brian, Leighanne, Baylee, Howie, Leigh, James, Kevin, Kristin, Mason, AJ, and Rochelle sat in the living room.

"So what's up," Brian said.

"Guys, Brizee and I are having a baby!" Nick said grinning. They all cheered and hugged them.

"How far along are you?" Leighanne said hugging Brizee.

"Two months along," Brizee said.

"I can't wait to be an aunt!" Leighanne said.

"Guys, you all are family and we are very blessed to have you all in our lives, we have something to ask, Brian, Howie, AJ, Kev, would you four be godfathers to the baby?" Nick said.

"You bet we will," Kevin said. Brian, Howie, and AJ nodded in agreement.

"Girls, will you four be godmothers?" Brizee asked.

"You bet we will," Leighanne said hugging them. Kristin, Leigh, and Rochelle hugged them.

"Let's celebrate, barbecue!" Brian said. They all went out back. Nick got Brizee settled in a lounge chair as she talked with the girls. The guys gathered around the grill.

"So, Briz, do you want a boy or a girl?" Leighanne asked.

"I just want the baby to be healthy," Brizee said.

"Well, that's the main thing," Leighanne said.

"I've helped raise my niece and nephews so I know how to take care of a boy and a girl so either would be okay, I have a feeling that Nick wants a boy," Brizee said.

"I was thinking of asking Brian if he wants another child, Baylee is ten years old, I don't really want him being an only child, Brian has an older brother, I have a sister," Leighanne said. Brizee looked at the guys.

"You should talk to him," Brizee said.

"How many siblings do you have, Briz?" Leigh asked.

"Just my older brother," Brizee said.

"And he has three kids," Rochelle said.

"Yeah, my niece was born when he was 18, he turned nineteen four days after she was born, my first nephew was born two months before I graduated high school and my youngest nephew was born the next year, about four days after my brother's birthday, now he's divorced and my parents are helping raise them, oh, crap, I need to call my parents," Brizee said getting out her cell phone and called her mom.

"Hey Mom, how are things, I miss you all, well, that might be a little difficult right now, well, I'm pregnant, two months, yeah, I was, but I didn't start my last pack I had, Mom, we know each other pretty well now, we love each other now, I know but it's different, I know that, Mom, I'm not going to be like them, you won't have to worry about raising another one, I can do it, and Nick will be here and the guys and girls will be around, they are godmothers and godfathers to the baby, well, when I ended up married to Nick, they became family, I know not by blood but I told you Nick practically grew up with the guys and they are basically like brothers, look, the guys are going on tour and the girls and kids and I are going with them and I know the tour will head through Kansas City so I will call you when I'm headed there and you can come meet up with us, I'll talk to you later, bye," Brizee said. She hung up.

"Briz," Leighanne said.

"She thinks me and Nick are moving too fast, that it was too early for kids," Brizee said softly. She rested her head against the lounge chair.

"This is your life, not hers, she should support your decision," Leigh said.

"Yeah, she should but she's scared that it will be like my brother and ex-sister-in-law, they got married too young and for the wrong reasons, my niece was six months when they got married," Brizee said.

"But you are not her, and Nick is not your brother," Kristin said. Brizee nodded.

"But let's move on from that subject for awhile and we can talk with her when we get there," Leighanne said.

"I was thinking of converting the room next to the master bedroom into the nursery, and having neutral colors, like green, pink, yellow, and white colors," Brizee said. Leigh went inside and came out with Nick's sketch pad and handed it to her. Brizee thought about it and figured it up and showed them. The girls nodded and smiled.

"We can find out if it is a boy or a girl before doing any painting, that way, we can change the pink to blue or come up with another paint idea," Brizee said. They continued talking.

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