Somebody Else(pt. 1)-YulYen

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Jo Yuri’s POV:

In 1 more day me and Yena are going to have our 3 year anniversary despite what everyone else thought. We had managed to stay strong for 3 years after I started pursuing Choi Yena. I know that may sound shocking to you all as the playgirl should have been pursuing me but turns out that she preferred to have someone chasing after her for who she was instead of what she could give others. I managed to woo her after many failed attempts of trying to act cold, or handing her the homework but managed to really get her to take me seriously after I sang my confession to her with the help from both our friend groups in the auditorium of our school. For our 3rd anniversary I decided I needed to do something big that would come as a surprise to her and ask her to marry me. I know it may seem a little bit early seeing as we are still too young and about to graduate. But I am asking her and when she says yes we can take all the time we need to get married but I can at least let everybody know that she is my fiance.

Narrator POV:

As Yuri is in the taxi coming back from setting up her wedding proposal for Yena she sees a car parked right in front of Yena’s apartment. This would usually not bug her seeing as Yena’s brother visits her often but it cannot be him as he enlisted in the military less than a week ago which made her suspect. She was debating whether or not to enter her apartment to check on Yena but before she got a chance to do that she heard laughter accompanied with the words I love you. At this point Yuri was skeptical about what she had just heard. She waited for the two people to head out the door in order to confirm her suspicions. Less than a minute later she saw Yena accompanied by the one and only Kim Chaewon. The girl also known as Yuri’s rival since they were kids. She competed with Yuri in Choir and the rest of the school subjects in order to surpass her. In fact Kim Chaewon had gone as far as to try to woo Choi Yena when she heard that Yuri had a crush on her but at that time her attempt had failed. But here were both her rival and her girlfriend hugging in front of the doorway saying their goodbyes but not before leaning in for a kiss. That was all the confirmation Yuri needed in order to ask the taxi driver to take her home. Not only where all of Yuri’s preparations in vain but their relationship had been lost due to Yena. Three years of their lives all gone maybe because of a weakness but at this point Yuri didn’t care all she knew was that she was broken and Choi Yena was the reason for this.

Yuri’s POV:

I can’t believe Yena would cheat on me. I saw her and Chaewon kissing in front of her doorframe with no shame,no hesitation. I could tell that I didn't even cross her mind when they were hanging out. Yena knew I had no problem with both of them hanging out because I trusted her I knew that she loves me or at least I believed that she did. Regardless I am going to keep this relationship going to have the closure that I want. I am not going to form a scandal, I am not going to expose them because at the end of the day I still love her but I am going to break up with her on my terms not hers. If there is something I deserve it is breaking up with her on my terms and confronting her face to face on what she did. I don’t feel like going to school tomorrow to see whether or not she remembered our anniversary but I am not going to let her see me breaking down. 

Timeskip to tomorrow (Same POV)

I am getting ready and I feel like shit but I need to put up a strong front and give no room for weakness. She cannot see me sad about this breakup. I will not be the only one that suffers when she is out there being happy with somebody else. I hate to do this on what used to be our day but the way it started it will end. 

Narrator POV:

Yuri walked into the campus of Enozi early that morning in order to be able to speak with Yena and ask her to stay for a talk at the end of the day. She sat by a bench near the entrance and waited for Yena while thinking to herself where she went wrong in the relationship, or where the older’s supposed love for the younger ended. As soon as she was about to give up and go to class she saw Yena entering the campus in a hurry. Yuri saw her and quickly ran to her…

Yena(YN) Yuri(YR):

YR:  Hey can you stay a bit after school I need to talk with you?

YN: I kind of need to do something sorry

YR: I promise it will only take 5 minutes and your free to go after

YN: Fine but I have to run after that

YR: By the way do you remember what day it is today?

YN: Umm… January 6th?

YR: *speaking to herself* Yeah I thought so…

YR: Anyways meet me in front of the entrance afterschool i’ll be waiting

Yuri’s POV:

The end of the day came faster than expected and before I knew it, it was time to put an end to this relationship or at least what was left of it. I cannot hold onto a sinking ship when I know that I am the only one that is willing to go down with it. As I stepped out of the classroom walking towards the entrance slow enough to count my steps I bumped into someone.

??:Sorry I did not see where I was going I should be more careful next time

YR: It’s fine I know you didn’t do it on purpose

YR: By the way I don’t recognize you, are you by any chance new here?

??: Oh yeah sorry about that I forgot to introduce myself I am Kang Hyewon I just transferred here I am a senior

YR:That’s cool I’m Yuri, Jo Yuri a junior

YR:Anyways it was nice meeting you Hyewon I guess I’ll see you around

HW: See you around *blushes*

Yuri soon reaches the gate and sees Yena there

YR:Sorry if I kept you waiting but I promise that what I am about to tell you will be quick

YN:Sure go ahead

YR: I’m breaking up with you

YN: Are you sure about this?

YR: Yeah I’m really sure 

YR: I know that you are seeing Chaewon behind my back but I cannot change your actions nor can I trust you ever again so I just want to thank you for the time you were loyal and committed to our relationship but this is my goodbye to you and us. I hope you are happy and that she was worth it, Thank You Choi Yena for being my first love and my first disappointment. This is an experience that I will learn and grow from and I hope to find someone better than you

YN: Wait Yuri I can explain!

YR: Don’t worry I saw everything I needed to see yesterday. I don’t need an explanation but this is the closure I needed for my half of our dying relationship. I’m just gonna walk away from this before it hurts me further.

As Yuri walks past a stunned Yena towards the gate she stops for a moment and says with bitterness laced in her voice

YR:By the way Yena happy third anniversary. 

Authors Note:
So guys what do you think? Leave any comments at the bottom and let me know how I did? I am going to make a part 2 so let me know do you guys want to see Yena's POV or do you want to see Yuri getting over Yena?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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