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Michael's POV

a couple years ago, 5 to be exact, I went to school. now, my school life was nothing special. I've never been anyone special in anyone's life, not even my own. some children are bullied for being over weight, others for simply being themselves. I was bullied for, well, being the gayest kid at school. I never liked the fact that I was, but I didn't want to change it either. and when you're 13 years old, being gay is a big thing.

I actually still don't know why everyone found me gay back then. it's not like i have the word "gay" tattooed to my forehead or anything. but yeah, 13 year olds are pretty harsh when it comes to bullying. it started with just people calling me "gay" and sometimes "fag". I didn't mind it all that much at the beginning. after a while people would refuse to sit next to me and sometimes people would complain about me going to the school. ew, homophobic people are disgusting.

after a while it turned into pushing me against lockers. people started throwing food at me. whenever it was recess I would always hurry to the bathrooms to hide. even then I could hear the horrible people banging on my door telling me to kill myself.

I wasn't the only easy target at school. there was this other kid, Luke Hemmings was his name. he was bullied too. I'm actually not sure why, but he was. every time someone made a rude remark to me, I always saw him giving me a very pitying look. one day, he started standing up for me. it didn't make much of a difference to the bullies, but it meant the world to me. for once I wasn't alone. I actually had someone who I could talk to and he wouldn't judge me for being gay.

the next thing that happened was very cliche. me and Luke had grown so close that we were inseparable. the bullying had stopped and everything was great. but as time went on, I realized that everything wasn't okay. I liked Luke. I liked liked luke. I had fallen in love with my best friend. of course after I realized that I became paranoid of everything he did. he would sometimes randomly grab out and hold my bicep. other times he would randomly cuddle into my chest. he would randomly hug me. and that's when I felt safest, in his arms.

normally I'd say that doing those things to someone meant that you liked them. but Luke was straight. straighter than a fucking Popsicle stick. he only liked girls. he even kept on calling me "the best friend he could've ever asked for". I'd been friend zoned in so many ways it's not even funny. every night I'd cry my self to sleep, knowing that the one person I loved with all my heart would never love me in the same way.

2 years after he had stood up for me for the first time, I was introduced to Abigail Smith. I was introduced to her by Luke. as his girlfriend. I don't like Abigail.


this is horrible 😂😂
I'll try to make the chapters longer and better soon 😁

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