Chapter 9

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I had a date. The idea seemed completely unreal. I hadn't been on a first date in three years. To say I was nervous was a drastic understatement. Dean had called the following day after our first meeting which surprised me. Hearing him ask me out to dinner to the new trendy uptown restaurant surprised me even more. I was reluctant to say yes at first. I wasn't looking for a relationship with anyone, not with the mess of a life I had. My real reason though was because I was scared.

Matt had hurt me by cheating on me countless times and Maggie had left me. There are few people I actually love and having two of them leave me, wounded me beyond repair. I couldn't handle falling for someone and giving them my heart, only to have them leave me.

My heart couldn't take anymore.

That being said though, Dean repaired my car for free so I owed him dinner at least. Kevin and I hadn't spoken since his apology by text and it saddened me. I had replied to him with a smiley face just to let him know we were okay. I thought we were but that was before he gave me the silent treatment and skipped the weeks' classes. I wasn't so sure anymore.

"Sweetie, can I come in?" I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door and then my mother's whisper.

"Sure." I replied. I continued to stare into my messy and unorganised cupboard hoping that the perfect outfit would jump out to me. It hadn't yet but I wasn't giving up.

"Can we talk for a moment?" That didn't sound good. I looked at my mother who sat poised and elegant against the backdrop of my filthy, clothes cluttered bed. I joined her on my bed and nodded. "I want to talk about your date."

"Do we have to?"

"Yes. Now Tori, are you sure you're making the right decision here? I mean it's really sweet of him to fix your car free of charge but you do not need to sell yourself in return. I would rather pay the bill then have you act as a prostitute."

I gasped. "Mother! How could you say that? I'm not a prostitute!"

"I never said you were Tori but providing companionship in return for services rendered is basically the same thing." My mothers' eyes were clear and her lips were thin and firm. She was dead serious.

"It isn't the same thing! He was flirting. He only paid for the repairs because he wanted a date which, he would still have done had I rejected him. It's a romantic gesture not a proposition. Gosh that is sick mother! I can't believe you would put me in that category."

"I never said you were a prostitute!" My mother shouted furiously.

"Not directly but you implied it!" I glared at my mother and made sure she knew how furious I was with her.

My mother sighed deeply and reached for my hand. "I'm sorry. I just want you to be careful. You have Tommy to consider now."

"And you think I'm not? I'm so tired of you and dad accusing me of not caring about Tommy or not considering him in my decisions. Every decision I make is for his benefit. I'm not looking for a relationship but I do need a life. I lost my best friend and it hurts everyday but I can't keep being a recluse. I just want friends. Maggie was my only one and I don't have her anymore." I wrapped my hands over my mothers' and stared at our joint hands. Her slightly wrinkled one stood out above my smooth pale one. "Let me do this please." I pleaded.

"I respect your decisions and, I'm going to trust you." I smiled and hugged my mother tight.

"Thank you. Now do you think you can help me find something to wear? I don't want to seem eager and give him the wrong impression but I don't want to look bad either. I need a friends outfit."

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