5. In love with his mind

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she has this image of the perfect boy in her mind, he is not a charming prince nor a handsome Hollywood actor, he is a normal person yet he is so special, he can confuse her with his deep and meaningful words then fascinates her by his unique ways of thinking, he is a person who sees the world differently and isn't afraid to be himself in a community of stereotypical people, he is cultivated in a world of empty - minded people. Some of you may call him a nerd or a weirdo, but that is only because you are shallow, judgmental assholes.

Too bad this kind of people don't exist and that's because we're living in a world where the person who thinks differently is a kind of disease and needs to be killed. So we keep judging that person and turn their life into hell until they become like us and join the pack, we're in the world where books are burned and dumb people rule our lives, we're a community of followers that are too afraid of originality. We're living in a place where people keep trying to be things that they're work to satisfy others until they forget who they are.

So she gave up on finding that person until one day, out of nowhere, she receives a text , a text from someone she has never talked to , a text that contains a few words that were meaningful , deep , so deep , a text that from reading it you know that the person who wrote it is someone special, someone so different .

She wanted to transform that text into a longer conversation so she texted back trying to understand the reason for receiving that text , he answered ordering her to never ask that question again , to just play along and answer , she did as he said , they conversed during hours and hours and the more time passed the more she was attracted to his words and his way of thinking , he had the same thoughts as her , the same point of vue to the world , they both thought it's a shattered world where humanity was fading away slowly and letting a place for darkness to take over, she thoughts that finally she has found a person who would understand her.

Weeks passed, and they were still texting and making conversations , there were not a day that passed without him texting her , she was used to him . he didn't stop advising her with his wise words , and showing her the true face of this world . And he kept telling her to never trust anyone only if that person has proved that he earned her trust, he asked her to never let her, guards, off , wants ,not even for him , he said that he can put any mask and act like the person she find perfect , that he can find any way in making her happy by being fake . That was when she began doubting him , she was frightened that he will play with her feelings and hurt her , break her little heart into small peaces and leave , as he said he can do whatewants, and by facing the reality she thought that whatever their relationship was it was not a real thing it was something virtual that was nowhere near reality .

He wanted to meet her, asked to go out with her. he wanted to learn more about her, but she kept avoiding that because she wasn't used to that kind of things, she was anxious and shy, she would blush just by the most simple things , so she kept making dumb excuses to avoid that , she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of him .

But one day, THAT DAY, they didn't text which was unusual, she told herself maybe he was busy or something , she waited until 1 a.m and then she gave up she put her phone away and went to sleep , but as soon as she began drifting into dreamland her phone buzzed, he texted her , she was happy even if he interrupted her sleep , she hurried opening the text, not knowing that that text would cause her a long river filled with sorrow .

It was a goodbye text, a text in wich he told her that he was closing his account, that he had enough of virtual life, that he wanted something real and meaningful. And that was the end of their texting story that was like a dream to her, waking up and sleeping at his beautiful and wise words , but as he said no one could get attached to another person easily, that would make it so easy for them to hurt you and be the cause for your pain and sorrow .

She wasn't that hurt , she had her friends supporting her but she felt that emptiness inside of her, she became numb, feelingless, she took his advice and lost trust in the people around her and became fragile to everything .

she wasn't in love with him, no, but she was in love with his mind.


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