Fallen Kingdoms

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It should have started like a normal Day...This time it rained Ash and embers The shadowed man Shifted walking among the corpses of the well fought,He grinned dragging his cane behind him as it clicked at the heels of the corpses. They begun to rise, faces twisted as shadows took over their body making them seem to be nothing but a walking Ink spot of Darkness,The Shadowed man walked to the make shift fort full of the last Humans fighting back as gun shells echoed the floor,the only sound heard was bullets and fire as a click came behind the fort soon followed by multiple people screaming. The shadowed Man grinned widely now only feeling one shadow left untainted as he stepped through the fort's wall like a paper through a crack he Saw a Man in a White shirt and brown slags holding a women in his arm,She raised her gun smirking and shot at The shadowed man,He wasn't expecting the bullet to sting his arm as he yelled in pain and stepped back shocked,He looked at his blackened arm to see the drip of black blood,The bullet shined in his flesh burning him as he yelled in pain and ripped it out,Quickly turning to glare at the man now holding the dead women, "Kill Him..." The shadowed Figure hissed a shadows raised behind him,The Man fell to his knees and looked up, "TAKE ME MESSENGER OF DEATH USE MY FLESH AS YOUR VESSEL TO PURGE ME OF MY SINS!" Yelled the last Human, The shadowed man smirked "No god will save you now my Boy..." The shadow taunted him circling him, The man smirked at the shifting shadows, "Im not asking god...Im asking the Deity of Death.." The Shadowed man's eyes widen with fear, No..Death was not blessing this world with his kin. he was bluffing. Yet he would not take that chance as he raised the cane and sought to bring it down, only for it to clash with a Red Aura as the man Screamed in pain,The shadowed man stepped back fear circling his body," IMPOSSIBLE! THIS WORLD WAS FORGOTTEN! BETRAYED!" The man stood up his hair now Spiked abit as his Brown eyes turned Red returning the shadow man's gaze with a grin,He combed his hair with his hand,feeling his body with his other hand,"A Human body...all for me~ how desperate you made this essence of man...makes anyone...want this vessel.." The voice twisted and dark as he reached to his back and slowly pulled out a scythe made of Black Ashen wood twisting, The tip was a large skull with a Blade coming from between the two front teeth curving as the No longer Human stared at the shadow, "What is your name unprepossessing one? so I know who to mourn after I behead your Disrespectful Shadows" The Possessed man Grinned holding the Scythe tightly to his body, "My Name...Is..Shadowlin.." The shadowed man replied disgustedly as he pulled a blade from his Cane and readied it, The man looked behind the shadowed Man to see a Sign in white writing, KILL YUTON "I'll call you Yuton.." The Man snickered as The Shadowed being glared at him, "And I'll use your tongue to seal the worlds away" The Man lunge forward twirling the Scythe against his body as it clashed with the blade heavily a spark flew as the Man Grinned at the worried Shadowlin, "I'll use you...you..." The man pushed back against the shadowlin his face twisting as he grabbed his head stepping back," H..HOW!? YOUR SOUL SHOULD BE MINE!" The face twisted to the Human's again as he held the Scythe now, he looked at Shadowlin," ohh Fuck.." The human muttered he pulled out a purple crystal shocked to see it held his soul,though inside the purple crystal sat Black Web like object as 2 orbs where stuck in it,One was White the other was Black, He looked up to see Shadowlin lunge at him,The Human fell back with a yell. He dropped the Scythe crawling back, "ANYWHERE BUT HERE ANY FUCKING WHERE BUT HERE!" He crawled back as he suddenly felt light and floated up only to vanish infront of the Shadowlin,He glared at the now empty spot and poked it with his hollow cane,"Find him...And bring him to me..." The Shadowed ordered as the other servant shadows quickly vanished into nothing,Yuton looked up at the sky glaring at it, "Deities... who would've thought Father was Right about them..."

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