Fallen Kingdoms

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The Scientist sat at his Garage like lab,He slowly looked up at a Poster...He sighed as he looked away from the poster of a Missing kid. His Kid, His Daughter, He leaned over his desk and buried his hands into his face as he slowly felt his strength fading. First his 2 kids disowned him, 3rd one was kidnapped then his wife left him. The Man leaned up as he turned around to see a Man stood behind him...He couldn't see his face or his body but he had no fear of this unkown Person,They put a hand on him as they leaned down, "Rick...You will live...You will be fine..." The man Whispered,Rick knew it was a Whisper...But it felt like  his mind was being scratched with nails against a Wall,The man handed Rick a Dull Looking gem, "What..is this.." Rick asked staring at the greyed Gem, "You will know in time...You will know more then I ever will. You will know what is true and what isn't...This isn't your life." Rick slowly grabbed the gem and looked it over, It was so light,Rick looked up to the man only to see he was gone. A loud tick clicked in the room as suddenly it felt with flames and threw Rick against the wall like a Doll being thrown by a disheartened child.

Flames circled Rick as he screamed weakly,His left arm and Leg was crushed by him slamming into the wall,He couldn't move them as the flames etched close,He looked up to see someone untouched by the fire look down at him, "You will know...The Truth.." The voice Etched into his mind ripping open something in him...He screamed as the Gem Glowed white, He remembered growing up in a military base...He remembered Others with him...He wasn't normal...The fire crawled up his arm not burning him but hugging him, He wasn't human. He was so much more...The Gem glowed turning slowly turning red as he held out his right Hand, "You are the one we need. It's time for you to wake up" Rick yelled in pain as the fire flew into his hand,he felt his strength return his will, in return his body burned,Burning from the inside as the flames that once filled the garage was now inside of him,He lied there...weak, tired...But Alive

Rick screamed awake in his bed eyes wide as he sat up quickly,The maiden tending his room that night screamed with him as she jumped up towel around her,She looked at Rick, "The fuck you doing!?" Her Scottish accent picked up as he looked to her,Sweating heavily He replied,"Why are you naked!?" She rolled her eyes, "I took a shower the hell you think I did?" Rick looked to the opened bathroom door panting softly and nodded abit he slowly moved his legs out of bed. The Maiden walked to Rick and sat next to him, "Same...nightmare?" she asked rubbing his back slowly,He shook his head and looked up, "I had a dream...of the day I remembered...Before the Bombs...Before this hell.." Rick looked up at a Mirror across the bed,He was no longer fully Human.The bomb in his garage decades ago left him...Broken,He stared at the left side of his body covered in gold and Silver Metal,left side of his face was hidden behind a Robotic plating His left Eye growing red,He slowly looked at his left hand,He moved his 3 fingers and thumb on the robotic prosthetic ,He sighed as he looked away and held his face with his human hand,The maiden slowly got up and looked at Rick, "There is no use feeling sorry for the past sweetie...Or else you'll never live...with your powers you should really look into doing something good...Something that betters others and you." Rick slowly looked at her, "Akir.Why did you stay?" She slowly walked away from the bed and dropped the towel,Rick blushed and looked away quickly. She was his maiden, Rick and Akir's relationship was more on the Friends who lived together plate,She grew used to him like a Sibling changing infront of him was no issue for her,For him it was a Big issue,Akir opened a Drawer and pulled up a Lacey red bra to fit her red long wavy red hair,Her Green eyes sparked at the color combo as she quickly put it on followed by some Red Panties, " Rent is cheap,You need someone to help you live. and Because We both know we are the best for eachother.~" She smirked unable to mix Black dress with red linings or Red dress with Brown linings,She turned to Rick holding them up, "Which one?!" Rick looked over at her abit annoyed, "I'm not your husband..." Akir rolled her eyes grabbing the black dress and putting the red one away.

Rick Walked to the rest room and grabbed his toothbrush,He turned the water on flinching abit and sighed sadly,He stared at the falling water unable to bring himself to even dip his toothbrush into it,He looked over the counter seeing the small clear cup of clean water Akir made for him,He dipped his brush in it and then turned the sink off,Akir peeked over watching him in his grey boxers, "Did...you use the sink?" she asked softly,Rick shook his head brushing his teeth softly...not watching himself but rather the reflection of the dripping shower head,Akir sighed softly and looked at Rick,He was covered in dried blood,Parts connecting his human to his cyborg was dirtied and clearly wasn't being cleaned,Akir frowned softly and looked at the shower behind Rick,the only smell he had was Smoke and embers due to his powers,He was able to summon Fires and control it.Akir knew it from the time he saved the Orphanage she used to work at with a succubus,He took in almost all the fire as the Succubus ran in and used her wings to protect kids from the debris. Akir followed Rick since then, She felt she owed him so much for saving her and everyone she loved, Only to find out the secrets behind his mask. it was no hero mask..It just hid the scars and cuts. She walked to the shower and turned the bathtub on as Rick jumped high and Cussed to the mirror,He turned glaring at her as she stared at him arms crossed, "I will make sure you won't drown or burn out if you promise to get in the hot bathtub..." Rick slowly looked over at the tub as it started to steam heavily, He shook his head staying quiet, "No is not an option...Your body can't handle so many infections at once so get in" Rick looked at her,He had fear in his eyes, "It won't hurt you.Trust me..." she said softly as she got closer,Not daring to touch him,She knew in panicked moments like this his body could burn so hard she could lose her skin withing a second of touching him,He looked at it...Then softly whispered, "Promise?..." Akir looked at Rick surprised and slowly nodded.

He slowly walked to the bathtub naked,Covering himself as good as he can blushing abit,Akir was looking away not looking but her hand on his shoulder to let him know she was there for him.He slowly put his foot In the burning water,It hissed and steamed, to Rick it felt warm. not to hot then he usually his.He heard waves of the ocean as his eyes widen as he grabbed at Akir,He felt himself losing his hold on himself, "It's just. visions...i'm not...stuck..."He whispered shaking,Tears slipping down his closed eyes only for them to fade from the heat he was producing,He shook harder remembering the raft he was stuck on. Remembering Sitting for days scared...alone..."You...are not alone anymore..." He heard her whisper as he looked up and looked at the voice...It wasn't akir's..It was a soft loving voice,He looked at The Latex Succubus and cried silently. "..Nina...Where...are you..." He whispered sadly, Akir was staring at Rick confused on why he called her Nina. and why he asked where she was.She hugged Rick tightly as Rick returned with a Hot tight hug,Shaking hard, "I'm scared...Of what I'll find...What' if im not...strong enough..." He whimpered in Akir's ear She rubbed his back..burning her skin slowly, "You are the strongest...Most stubborn man I've ever known...You could Kick anyone's ass...and You will be able to do this.." She whispered softly into his ear. Rick sighed and slowly stepped into the tub fully,As he felt the water surround him and fully take him in like a river taking a rock...when He opened his eyes..He was in a River. Akir was gone.  Akir Stared at the tub that swallowed Rick eyes widen, "RICK!? RICK!? THIS ISN'T FUN!"
Rick looked up at the rivers edge to see a Man dressed in blue staring at him.Rick knew him...but how. and why did he? "...Brother?..." The man said softly and quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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