•1•~Break Away~

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I open my eyes to see the same boring room that I wake up to each day continuously. The purple velvet bed sheets that encase my body, the bright morning glimmer of the dawn that shines through the glass doors, the bland white walls, the wooden dresser that sits across from my bed, the decorations of vines that swirl on my mirror, and the glossy wooden floor. It's all the same, never changing. I'm held against my will. I try to push all of these godforsaken thoughts into the back of my head once again. I begin to finally roll out of my bed after dozing off for ten minutes. I want to get out. I need to get out. I want to see and experience something new. I can't stand this stagnated house anymore. I'm trapped in my own house.

I turn to look at the black alarm clock on my wooden night stand. It's currently 7:40, crap i'm going to be late for school if I don't hurry. I can't miss school, it's the only time that I get to leave this hell hole. I rush myself and get into the shower. I feel refreshed and rejuvenated from the hot, steamy liquid running over me. I dry off and get dressed into my school uniform which consists of a short white sleeve shirt and my thigh length pleated blue skirt. I brush through my long golden locks with a boar bristle brush. I sigh and leave my room knowing how tiring today will be. I walk through the upstairs hallway that's filled with paintings of my ancestors that look almost identical to me that lead all the way to the end of the hall. Each painting a young woman with the same hair color and emerald eyes as me. I have always thought about how peculiar it was that each and every one of these women with a similar if not the same exact appearance to one another and I take after them. Most people wouldn't think that my parents are my birth givers by appearance. My mother has a black mane and bright blue eyes that contrast to her complexion. Whereas my father has light brown hair with hazel orbs and a tan tint to his skin. I also have a porcelain complexion like my mothers, one thing that we have in common. Currently i'm about 5'5, my mother is 5'2 and my father is 5'9. I'd say I'm pretty average height. I reach the end of the hallway after my internal babbling to walk down the stairs and enter the kitchen that's around the corner. I sit at the dinning table to eat my rice and miso soup for breakfast.

My parents never let me leave anywhere without a "bodyguard", which is what I call the men that switch shifts to follow me around like a lost puppy. It is a rare occasion that I get to leave the house to go somewhere that isn't school. They say that the random attendant they send with me is for my own protection. I get it you don't want your kid getting kidnapped but is it really unnecessary to go to such lengths. Luckily they only accompany me to and from school except for the festivals. It would be weird for people to know that a random man is always following me. I mean I've always wanted my very own stalker. Luckily they don't accompany in school only to and from. I don't exactly see why I would need special protection though. No other person my age that I know of has a person that follows them around wherever they go to "protect" them. Like what are they protecting me from the truth, the world? Also from what I've heard from my friends, my living situation is weird and not normal. I honestly find it incredibly suspicious. Whenever I confront or ask my parents about why I'm constantly held up here they completely avoid the question or they deflect it. They have been acting increasingly cagey lately since I've been questioning their whole philosophy. They are really on edge.

I walk out of my front door and enter a black car with my chaperone following closely behind. I didn't even notice that he was there until he opened the door for me. Not very observant today I see. We drive the usual route that leads to school which usually takes about half an hour. We finally arrived at Kaibara Municipal High School. I hurriedly step outside of the car and say a quick goodbye to the driver and my usual attendee. I walk on the sidewalk leading to the school entrance while breathing in the cool fresh spring air. I notice that the sun is extra bright today whilst shining down on me. I can feel the warmth of its golden bright radiance. I walk through the school to attend my home economics class. I stroll up to my table that my friends always sit at. I sit down between Carly and Ally, the best friends that I could ever ask for. Actually they are my only good friends. Across from us sits Tohru Honda, Saki Hanajima, and Arisa Uotani. Were all pretty good friends but I'm closer to Ally and Carly.

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