Elements|| The Lost Medallion

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Book name: Elements || The Lost Medallion

Author: Anastaciawolf

Genre: fantasy

Reviewer: helenl0511

Book cover: 3/5

Beautiful cover. I love how the cover has a medallion at the centre, which fits the title. I love the black and golden background. The book title and author name is clear and I love the font and colour, but for the "cover by...", "one letter a million changes" and the stickers... not really.

The "cover by..." part I can't even see the name at first (I use my phone to do reviews), but after reading the introduction, I finally knew it is BookLoverVenue . I strongly suggest to bold it or change it into a different font. My eyes are so sore after staring at the name on the cover for so long, trying to understand the blurry words.

I also recommend to bold the "one letter a million changes" part. I can see this more clearly than the "cover by... " part, but still, it would be good to not stress the readers' eyes.

For the stickers part, I can't understand a single word that are in the stickers. If you want to put them on the cover as decorations or accomplishments, then it's fine, but if you want people to know which awards you specifically won, I suggest you to also put the stickers in an independent chapter so that readers can know.

Book title: 4/5

Great title! "Elements" is a title that is seen everywhere, but it always attracts readers' attention at once, especially fantasy fans (like me). "The lost medallion" immediately makes me know what the story will generally be about. A typical title, but interesting.

Blurb: 9/10

So, I would like to talk about how I thought about the blurb before I read the story, and after I read the story.

Before I read the story:

I really love the first sentence. It immediately catches my attentions. The blurb is not long, but it gives us enough details about the story without spoiling. I am impressed.

I love how you quote Eclipse's words into the blurb. To be honest, that sentence will be the thing that will convince me to read the story if i found this book under a normal situation. The blurb is already interesting enough, and with that sentence, you just added the finishing touch.

The blurb is kind of a typical blurb for a fantasy story, but it's great.

After I read the story:

Th blurb is totally fine. But, I still have some suggestions. I think that it should include a bit about the camp.

When I first read the blurb, I thought that Eclipse and Eliana were already in camp at the very start and one day, their friend disappeared. That's how I anticipated it.

To be honest, I wasn't surprised to see that you decided to start the story before they knew anything about elements, but... the blurb didn't mention that.

So I suggest you to take out an excerpt from the story about the camp, and add it into the blurb. Even though this may not be a very big deal, but I still want to mention it.

Opening: 9/10

The cast already interests me. Especially with the quotes and the beautiful pictures.

For the first chapter, the banner at the beginning is so cool! It immediately draws all of my attention.

I love how you started the chapter in the way Percy Jackson did. One of the most typical way, but it always works. I am absorbed into the story from the very start. Also, the cliff hanger at the end of the chapter is a nice ending.

Structure: 17/20

The grammar and vocabularies are great! A few typos, a few missing commas and full stops, but that didn't affect my reading at all.

The book has a neat structure. Though as reminded by @daughterofathena468 (sorry for tagging) in the comments, you have to open up a new paragraph when there is a new speaker. Jumbling every dialogue might affect some readers'. They might not understand who is talking at that moment.

The banners and photos increases my interest and liking for the book more and more. The writing style is also good, and I can picture the descriptions clearly.

Plot: 8/10

Amazing plot line and plot holes. I really love the whole plot. It's so good!

The flow is a bit too fast at the beginning. I didn't expect Anastasia to tell Eclipse about the elements after she got the envelope. I thought there would be more stuff happening before she tells her about the elements.

Besides, in the chapters "the secret" and "the surprise", Anastasia said Eclipse should know who her mother was, but Anastasia didn't tell her anything about her mother at all. She just told Eclipse about the elements, and how her mum would amplify the risks if she was near her, but nothing factual about her mother...

We are reading the book from god's view, so of course we know Eclipse's mother should be someone who has element(s). But if we encounter the situation in Eclipse's view... we won't know how the elements are related to mum, and why her mum increases the risks if she was near Eclipse.

If I were Eclipse, I would be super confused to hear something about some elements but nothing factual about my mum. I would guess that mum might be related to some elements but then think that I'm crazy. I will just ask Anastasia how the elements are related to mum, and about the amplified risks of my mum being near me.

So, I think that you will need to clarify a bit for this part. Either you really make Anastasia tell Eclipse who her mother is, or not make Anastasia say the line "it's time that you should know who your mother was". Just make her tell Eclipse about the elements.

Character development: 13/15

I love how you showed us the personalities of the characters. I can also feel the love and care in their friendship. Everyone one of them feel realistic and I can relate to them easily. I am definitely impressed.

I can already see some character growth in the chapter I read. I think it's great, so keep up the good work!

Enjoyment: 10/10

I really enjoyed the book. As I said, I had my nose in the book from the very beginning.

Overall impression: 13/15

I love this book. It is one typical fantasy book, but a must read for all fantasy fans. You definitely will regret not reading it.

Marks: 86/100

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