The jerk who stole my best friend's sock...or not

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Title: The jerk who stole my best friend's sock...or notAuthor: Bethany-turnerReviewer: thingybabiby

Okay before we get to the review I would like to apologise times a million for getting back to you so late, it's finally show week and my rehearsals have come to an end.
I hope you can forgive me for taking so long!

Now I present to you, your review! I hope you like it. :)

Book cover: 10/10 I've got to be honest with you, I was a little worried that you wouldn't be able to fit the title on the cover without making it look crap...

But you mysteriously pulled it off, AND made it look amazing!

The use of fonts is perfect, the colour scheme is aesthetically pleasing, and it looked both busy and somehow simple at the same time. I'm assuming that you made it, and I'd like to congratulate you for your fine craftsmanship. *CLAPS LOUDLY*

Title: 9.5/10It is a little lengthy, but interesting. It made me want to find out more about this 'jerk' and what the back-story of it was.

Very eye-catching.

Very interesting.

Description: 10/10 You've got to have one of the best first sentence ever. What happens when a jerk comes along and presumably steals your best friend's sock? You fall in love.

Pffft. As if.

Who would have thought that anyone would ever steal a sock? Your whole description is interesting, it's the perfect length and eye-catching. I don't have much to say about it other than it is hilarious and amazing.

Opening: 10/10
Okay before we get to the actual opening, I just want to say...

The. Character. Aesthetics. Are. Amazing.


Now for the actual opening.Poor Katy, I went back and counted, and she had to say guys thirteen times before getting noticed.Your opening is so amazing, I can't wrap my head around it. It's perfect, it draws the reader in, it's hilarious, my list of words could go on forever if I had the vocabulary to do so.It's so good that it would draw nearly every single person into your book and want to read it.I'm at a loss for words because of how good it is.

Structure: 19/20 Your paragraphs are a very nice length, and keeps everything from being muddled up.
 Your text and wording make nearly everything hilarious (in a good way), and keeps the reader far from being disinterested.

However, I have a few suggestions regarding your choice of grammar and wording. :)

The first is your word choices. Now don't get me wrong, I love nearly all of it, but you have repeated a phrase in the second chapter/part.

'Wrapping my arms around my freezing body, I head towards the washroom to freshen up.

Changing into warm sweatpants and engulfing myself in my black over sized hoodie, I make my way down the stairs.

Grabbing a snack bar from the dining table, I head towards the front door.'

You used 'I head' twice in two really close paragraphs, you could replace it with another verb to both spice it up and not seem a little repetitive.

For example.

'Wrapping my arms around my freezing body, I shuffle towards the washroom to freshen up.'Another thing is your sentence length, there are some sentences that use a lot of commas, which could be replaced with a semicolon (if possible).

Even though she wasn't my grandmother, I was emotionally attached to her, to the point I would sit near her chair for hours, talking to her about the most random things.

Even though she wasn't my grandmother; I was emotionally attached to her, to the point I would sit near her chair for hours, talking to her about the most random things.

If you do decide to use semicolons, just make sure that the sentence or phrase you are separating can stand on its own and still make sense!

Finally, in phrases that show that something is written, for example'Lost sock. If found please return to villa number forty-three, or call the following number'I would maybe suggest putting it in italics as well since you also use the ' as quotation marks, just to keep others from confusion. :)

Character development: 14/15
 You develop all your characters very well, through their actions and words you show that nearly all of them are hilarious and somewhat relatable characters. I don't have too much to say about this aspect other than well done!

Does it make me want to read more? 9.5/10
Most definitely, I'm waiting eagerly for the next update! 

Overall, this is an amazing and well written book that made me laugh nearly the whole way through. I will 100% recommend this to my friends and others that I know, and suggest that people coming across this review read it as well if you're in for a little, scrap that, a lot of humour! Just make sure you comb through your work and look out for the tiny, tiny things that could be adjusted. :)


Total score: 96.5

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