CHAPTER III : Questions

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3 days has passed, sunrays shone upon the face of Lili thus making the girl frowned while the two brown pools still closed. Kicking of the covers that wrapped her thin fragile body, she walked towards the window and swayed the curtains to block the light that the sun emits.

Eversince that day, she considered the voice as her long lost piece. They were like magnets mean to attract each other with the same ordeals in life. She trusted "it" as if she was a friend, a mother and even a sister that she wish she had. However she also thinks that this is one side of her she chose to lock down inside for the sake of the loneliness she felt whenever she faced the world. 

Muttering a simple greeting of 'good morning' to the unknown voice, "it" replied instantly yet in a formal with a hint of encouraging tone.

"Good morning to you as well, How is the sleep of the little girl? Is it good? Why don't we head to the kitchen and have a meal to start the day, Little Lili?"

Smiling as she heard the nickname the voice had given her, she rushes but only a bare and messy kitchen greeted her. The place was full of rusts and dirt as if no one had used them for decades. The plates in the sinks is full of piled up dishes as if some big even or gathering had happened at the tiny house.

"Myst, how about I'll just head towards the school without eating? Afterall I'm used to not having proper breakfast everyday. And its not as if someone really cared about the state of my well being"

"If thats what you wish, Little LIli, but just in case bring those biscuits found inside the cuboard."

'HUH?!" she was confused cause she know the cupboard don't have anything since her father only spends the money on gamblings, drugs and even alchohols. The voice felt the hesitation of Lili, so she added a little urge to make the girl move.

"Dont you trust me?" not wanting to disappoint her friend she opened the cupboard only to be greeted 3 packs of biscuits. She was stunned on how did those things happen yet the surpried was replaced bydelight.

"That was awesome, Myst! I didn't know you can do that! Can you make money?! or some gold?! Even a big house better than this one?!"

"Im sorry Little Lili, I can only produce what yor body need moreover I can also sense what you feel, want or wish for and in that way I can make what your body really longed for.

Thinking on what Myst told her, an idea suddenly popped in her head.

"If thats true, Can I have some little love? Hope? and even a tiny bit of admiration? You see Myst, this things are just what I only want in my life."

Expecting an answer from the voice but it only remained silent as if it was thinking, sensing on what she should say or do to comfort the little girl, then "it" sighed.

"Sorry to say this but I don"t grant such miracles , Little Girl. You see everything that people wishes for has an equal scarfice they can make. In your case I don"t think you can handle such scarifices"

"You don't know what your saying Myst, Ive been through hell for 10 years of my existence, just once sacfrice don't affect me!" Gritting teeth her hands formed to a fist and hit the wooden table beside her.

"Okay then if this is what you want, then so be it. But do remember I warned you." Lili nodded in agreement and waited for the voice to contine speaking.

"Well then, before I tell you how to acquire those wishes of yours... Answer my questions...

What do you think is important for you right now?

What do you seek?

What is a worthy exchange for all of those things you asked for?

Is it your time?




or your soul thus giving up your life?

What can be given yet can never be stolen?

What should be seen for the others to realize?

What are the ways or method that can change your life?

Give me your best answer, and I'll give you a hint on how to obtain what you don't contain...."

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