S A K S H I : part I

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The first smell that hit my nose as Neel pushed open the door was of the damp air and cheap wood. The door creaked loudly indicating that it hadn't been used much since its installment. Neel looked at me nervously before gesturing me to come inside the dark room.

Flashes of my welcome into the Kanpur home make me nostalgic. Neel's mother and sisters waiting on the other side with broad encouraging smiles, a pot of rice on the door step and white floor waiting to bear my red colored footprints.

I loosened the grip on my handbag and took a tentative step inside. Neel pulled our luggage, comprising of each our suitcase, inside and the way his hand jerked in his movements made me wonder about his state of mind. I tried to give Neel an assuring smile but he looked away as if suddenly very conscious.

I did not understand why. It's not like I hadn't seen his apartment during our video calls prior to our marriage.

A moment later, the room comes to life and suddenly the entire flat is filled with blinding light. It takes me a moment to adjust to the brightness and it is after that I realize how empty the flat looks, void of any evidence that a human lives here. Well, most of bachelors live this way so it's not really a surprise.

I walked in and observed the bare walls that held no character. The dull yellow paint was chipped near the ceiling and there was a decent size crack on the column near the window immediately making me wonder if there would be leakage during the monsoon.

There was a single Neelkamal chair in the corner and a charger hanging from the plug point. The French windows were shut and I could see dark clouds hanging low in the sky, the atmosphere was somber. The hall room appeared more bigger than I had anticipated based on the images on phone.

I walked into the kitchen, it was a fairly medium sized room with good countertop but the storage units were missing. I was already judging the owner who didn't even make a decent effort to make this place welcoming. Landlords I tell you.

There was a two burner gas stove and a few tea vessels scattered here and there. The small window was tightly shut using a piece of wire.

"The window stopper broke when I came in, I'll have it fixed soon," Neel said shifting his weight on his feet beside me. I nodded distractedly.

I walked down the passage and into the small bedroom. Bright purple color hurt my eyes at first and then I noticed a tiny square window right above the bed and another bigger window was set into the wall adjacent to it. The bed seemed small but I bet you could manage two persons on it. Especially two people who had married each other.

"I know the bed is small. I've ordered a bigger one," He has already told me this. I don't remind him though, he seems in enough stress, so I let him continue, "Until it comes, I'll sleep on the floor don't worry"

As if I would let that happen.

I threw open the bathroom door. A commode, sink and mixer shower belonged there and an oval mirror decorated the tiled wall. I shut the door behind me.

I finally turned to face my husband.

He seemed to be quite interested in his shoes at the moment and I ted to bite back a smile. He was thinking too much, wondering if I'll like it or no. I push his glasses up his nose which had come down due to his profuse sweating. I was about to rise on my tip toes and answer his doubts with a gentle kiss when a yell resounded in the flat.


I took a step back and walked into the living room to find a seventeen year old girl with two oily braids watching us with wide eyes and mouth open. I smiled at her.

Trisha exclaimed while watching me and let out a shrill, full of excitement, "Oh my god! Bhabhi is finally here"

She placed a few cardboard boxes on the floor and walked closer to me. I widened my smile and greeted her, "Hi, Trisha. How are you?"

She looked at me with unblinking eyes and then turns to Neel.

"She's even more beautiful in person" I laughed at that and noticed the edges of Neel's ears getting red. I pulled her in and wrap my arms around her in a hug.

"Trisha! Where did you disapp-"We pulled away as a lady walked by the door and stopped. Her eyes too widened at my sight and she walked in with fast curious steps. The payal in her legs tinkled as she came inside clad in an orange sari.

"Ahh! Neel's bride is here!" Her radiant smile and gleaming eyes stirs those overwhelming emotions within me. My heart fluttered at the mention of being his bride.

She lovingly moved her fingers across my face and kissed my hand in a way that reminded me of my own parents. Her eyes zero in on my earrings and I watched as her eyes shined. Her fingers grazed the jewelry as her eyes filled with awe. It was a gift from Neel's mother and I felt I should wear it while I left yesterday, a gentle reminder to her that I was taking with me the love and blessings she had showered on me. She didn't hold back one bit.

"What lovely earrings!" She sighed while admiring my earrings. I bet the shine of Kundan stones was leaving her mesmerized. A moment later Trisha cleared her throat and tugged at her mother's arm.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm not going to pounce on her for her jewelry," Trisha's mother mumbled while taking a few steps away.

I waved a hand around, "It's no problem, really"

"You guys must be tired from the travel, we'll let you rest," Trisha informed while taking her mother by her arm. When she reached the door, she turns back.

"Neel bhai, I've brought your deliveries so I've done my job" She winked in his direction to which Neel saluted her and then she waved at me before disappearing in her house.

Neel quickly bent down and cut open the box using a pocket knife and began to remove its content. There were a few T'shirts of different colors and in the bottom was a plate which he removed with extreme care.

"Here," he says while handing it to me.

I took it in my hand with care and observed the glass plate that bore a tiny cartoon house and said, 'Sakshi and Neel'

"You like it?" I detected the slight doubt in his voice as he stood up.

I turned to him plastering a smile on my face. One that came really easily these days, especially around him.

"I love it," I answered and looped my arm around his. I tugged and urged him to bend so that I could whisper in his ears, "Just the way I love you"

My words don't do much expect for turning his ears more red and making him turn the other way.


Me pairing a shy boy with a confident girl:

Me pairing a shy boy with a confident girl:

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