P A Y A L : part I

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"Payal, you couldn't be more wrong," my husband, Rahil, shook his head at me. The shaving cream on his face made him look like a Santa Claus. I wondered if I should tell this to him.

"Oh, trust me honey, Virat will be the man of match today," I said and started serving everyone's plate.

"I second her!" Mummy walked out the kitchen and threw away her dupatta angrily on the sofa while frowning hard. I gulped knowing very well that these days were causing her to experience extreme mood swings. Clearly, the kitchen fan wasn't working fast enough to cool down her irritation.
"Mumma, you're both worng" Rahil said frustrated, he walked out to us in the midst of his grooming. I refrained from laughing at his foam beard. Papa walked out his room, adjusting the watch on his wrist, all dressed and ready.

"Dad, explain them!"

Papa sat across from me on the dining table and grunted.

"Don't you both see how his form hasn't been great since the last two games?" Papa brought his plate closer to himself and scooped up some warm Upma before eating it. He sighed for a moment at the taste and then composed himself back again.

"Exactly my point!" Rahil shouted and sat beside me. I shook my head again.

"I'll write it down for you if you want. Virat will score a century" I stood by my point and pulled my plate full of Upma and coconut chutney and began eating.

Rahil scoffed and tipped his head back as if what I said was completely ridiculous. I narrowed my eyes at him and turned to Mummy. Mummy looked as if a volcano was about to erupt right on top of her head. My eyes widened when I soaked in her irritated eyes, messy hair and ears that were turning red like a cartoon.

Abort mission.

"Rahil, do not question the power of women's intuition" She said through her teeth and I shrunk back in my seat. Definitely not the time to argue with her.

"Mom, I could bet five thousand rupees on this" Rahil, you stupid boy.

"No. You'll clean all the bathrooms of this house for the next two months" Mummy said meeting his eyes with a challenge.

Rahil, turn back, you fool.

Rahil exchanged a look with Papa across the table. Papa cleverly shrugged and concentrated back on his breakfast. I pinched his thigh under the table and he yelped in pain. Take the hint!

He gave me look before turning back to Mummy.

"Done. We have a deal" He got up and stretched his hand forward as if to officiate the bet. Mummy gave him a blank look before shaking his hand nonchalantly.

"But," Rahil gave a Cheshire cat smile, "if you lose then no restaurant food for two months"

I snapped my eyes to Mummy giving her my best pleading look. My husband here loved home cooked food more than anything else. He was fussy and often criticized when we ordered food from outside on Sundays.

I believed in Virat, yes, but I needed a day off from kitchen duties once in a while.

Mummy gave him a poker face. "You go shave first and then talk about making bets" She shooed him back to the bathroom and ordered him not come back until he cleaned up and had a bath.

"But mom, my upma will get cold if I go to take a shower" Here came my whiny husband. I leaned forward with my elbows on the table and gave him a taunting smirk.

"You should've thought about this before engaging in this debate" I added and watched him groan.

"It isn't a debate. It's the future" He gave a loud laugh and spread his arms in the air and looking up at the sky. What a dramaebaz.

"You want to know what I have planned for your future?" Mummy asked raising her eyebrows at her son. Rahil straightened up at her question, dropped his act and disappeared into the bathroom. I chuckled before resuming my meal.

"I still think Virat will disappoint," Papa mumbled.

"Did you say something?" Mummy turned towards him and I saw the way color drained from his face. He hurried through his breakfast and got up mumbling how he had to move quickly before the bank shut down for lunch break.

I didn't remind him that the bank was down the lane and it was a good four hour before lunch time.

I finished my breakfast and went inside my bedroom to get dressed. I put on my shirt, skirt and blazer and the moment I finished tucking my hair into a presentable bun, the smell of cologne filled the bedroom.

My back hit something and I felt my stomach go crazy. The smell of aftershave invaded my senses and I felt my knees turn weak. A hand snaked through my waist and turned my head to find my husband smirking at me.

He was freshly shaved and smelled heavenly. His smooth jaw teased my skin as his chin rested on my shoulder.

"You know whether Virat scores today or no, you know who's going to definitely score today?" His voice dripped with arrogance and lust and I had to remind myself that I needed to be free of any such thoughts before going to work.

I jabbed my elbow in his stomach lightly and tried to get away. Yes, it was my birthday tomorrow and yes I may or may not get lucky tonight.

"You're a dog"

"Don't pretend like you don't like it when I talk dirty" He licked my weak spot on my neck and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud. His hands on my body felt too good to let go and his scent was no doubt driving me crazy.

"I can kiss you if you want" He continued, "but don't blame me if I ruin your lipstick"

I was damn sure he was smiling!

Before I could give him a fitting reply, a loud ring broke our sweet bubble. Tied together, we walked up to the bed where Rahil's phone rang. When I caught the name on the screen, my stomach dropped.

I pretended that I didn't read the name and continued looking the other way. As I had anticipated, Rahil released me immediately and bent to get his phone. Mumbling an 'I got to take this' he practically ran to the bathroom and locked it behind me.

Summoning all the courage in me, I made my legs work. I grabbed my bag, phone and tiffin from the kitchen and bid Mummy bye. I took the stairs to go down instead of waiting for the elevator.

As I went round and round the helix of stairs I could feel a pain rise in me slowly.

I had thought Rahil was over her. I had thought Rahil was maintaining his distance from her. I had thought there was no more of 'them' I had left to deal with.

Clearly, I had underestimated my husband's love for his ex-girlfriend.


Me to people who still talk to their ex:

Me to people who still talk to their ex:

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Hahah, just kidding.

Your ex could be kind and sweet and not deserve hate from you.

But we don't know the same for Rahil's ex ....

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