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As a sixteen-year-old just starting a new school, you would expect things to be weird. The teachers, students, even the janitor. But I knew something was up when I met Tharida Price. Tharida was a tiny, red-headed, nerd who was, somehow, the biggest bully on campus. She noticed me for the first time as she made her way down the hallway, and upon making eye contact she chuckled and took a few steps in my direction.

"So you're the new guy, eh?" Her voice was surprisingly low for such a small person. "What are you staring at? Scared?" She snickered as she took a step closer.

"Not scared, just confused as to why everyone else is," I stated matter-of-factly. I regret that statement to this day.

"Are you now?" A dangerous tone surrounded those words. "Well, I guess I'll have to show you." She hissed those last few words and her eyes... glowed.

One of the jocks moved from behind her and almost instantly I was pinned to my locker with no hope of escape. By now a crowd had gathered around us, but nobody was within about six feet of Tharida. The jack had moved one hand to my throat and I was, now, gasping for air. This is when I realized that he, too, had glowing eyes. I didn't have time to question this because Tharida had begun to saunter over to us.

"Now you look scared," she said with a grin. "Let's send this puppy home with his tail between his legs." She laughed as she pulled a small cord out of her backpack. "Logan, be a dear and let the poor boy go."

As she said this the jock released me, but not even a second later, the cord had wrapped itself around me. Still holding onto the other end, Tharida yanked the cord so I fell to my knees, eye-level with her. However, as she pulled a small army knife a teacher turned the corner into the hall. Tharida instantly became this nerdy, teacher's pet that can do no wrong and the cord released me from its grasp.

"I'll get you next time," she hissed before she brightly danced into class.

I sat on the ground, gasping and everyone dispersed so they wouldn't be late for class. Once I could breathe properly, I headed to class as well, wondering what the heck just happened.


"Hey, dude, that was so cool! I mean, you are the only one who has ever survived a Tosh Attack. I mean, she is crazy." Two boys had run up to me, red-faced and excited. "It must be you!" said the first, shorter one.

"Shut up, idiot," said the second one as he looked around, "she might hear you." Worry was in his eyes. "Sorry, this is Zach and I'm Ward. We were sent to show you around."

"Um... ok?" I wasn't really sure what just happened. "Where are we going first then?" They eyed each other.

"We're gonna go meet someone first," Ward said hesitantly.

"Who?" I said firmly without taking a step. "'Cause if you're just gonna bring me to Tharida, you might as well just set me on fire, thanks."

"NO! Never her!" Zach practically screamed, causing me to stiffen. "Who do you think we are? Her cronies? I'm offended." He sounded genuinely hurt.

"Tony, chill dude. He doesn't know any better. Anyway, follow me."

After walking for a while we came to a staircase that went up. Ward put a finger over his mouth telling us to be quiet. We stood for a moment as Ward listened before waving us on and walking up the stairs.

"What..." I started to say but they clamped their hands over my mouth. Ward glared at me and repeated his motion of silencing me and shook his head. We continued to walk as the stairway got darker and darker. Finally, after what seemed like forever, we came to a door. Ward looked at me, then around the room warily, and leaned over and whispered, "Don't say anything, no matter what happens." He knocked and they both went in ahead of me.

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