Sweet White Nothings

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A rustling of a plastic bag caught Karin's attention as she ate breakfast. The darker haired Kurosaki twin watched with amusement as her sister hurried to place the homemade giri-choco and tomo-choco into her bag. She carefully set her bowl and chopsticks down onto the table before grabbing her school bag from where it sat next to her chair. With one quick movement the bag was swung over her shoulder, and her feet started her towards the door. A mutter from her sister caused Karin to stop, and twist her head around.

"Yuzu?" One eyebrow went up in pretend worry while the corners of her mouth tried not to twist up from the laughter she was holding back. "Something the matter?"

The lighter haired twin looked up at her sister. "Karin-chan? Don't you have something for Toshiro-kun?"

Karin felt her mouth open to form a circle. She then let out a sigh and a light laugh. "I don't know if I'll be getting to see Toshiro today."

"He is your boyfriend though... so you should have honemi-choco for him, right?"

"Hmm..." The darker haired twin fought to suppress another laugh as she imagined the reaction Toshiro would have if he overheard what Yuzu just said, not to mention the blush that would have spread across his cheeks. "I think honemi-amanatto would have been a much better choice." A hand clapped over her mouth as she stifled another laugh at the confused look on Yuzu's face. "He seems to really like amanatto for some reason."

The confused look didn't leave her twin's face causing another chuckle from Karin as well as a comment about heading onto school. She watched as her sister headed off to join her group of friends who were busy giggling about who they planned on giving honemi-choco too. The dark haired twin sat down at her desk nearby and bit her lip in amusement as none of her guy friends were mentioned. "They are sadly going to be disappointed yet again this year."

Yuzu of course quickly gave out her various chocolates as their friends came into the classroom. Karin leaned on her chin and watched as some of the guys including her guy friends became excited about receiving chocolate from a cute girl like Yuzu only to see her hurry off to give chocolate to the next person that entered the classroom. Her eyes drifted to the window out of becoming bored with her classmates usual antics for the day.

Two violet eyes caught site of a white head of hair outside the school gate. Karin let out a sigh as she closed her eyes and tried to pretend a certain someone wasn't waiting for her. Instead she watched as her guy friends and some of the girls got into the usual spat about who was better during their free period in the afternoon. She turned her head to see that a light drizzle was falling outside, and that the familiar head of white hair was still waiting for her.

"Hey... did you hear what I asked Karin?"

The young female's head jerked up to look at her friend who bleached his hair. "What is it Ryohei?"

"We're having a contest to see whose better at the karaoke place... you know, us guys versus the girls."

One of Karin's eyebrows rose up as she gave her friends a rather amused look. She stood up and grabbed her bag as the bell rang. "No thanks. I'm going to head on home."

"Why not?" Kei's hand reached up to scratch his curly head of hair. "You actually sing better then any of us."

"I think you guys forgot that I'm not a guy. I'd have to be on their side. Plus... I have some things to do." Karin watched as the boys faces looked at her in shock. A smile appeared on her face, and she quickly headed down the stairs. She slipped out of her school shoes before heading over to the rack to grab her umbrella. She then headed to the entrance to meet the person she knew was waiting for her.

Sweet White Nothings (Bleach - Toshiro/Karin)Where stories live. Discover now