lifeline - red

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i don't have much in my life, whether it, family, friends, or money, and while it's tough to get by sometimes, in the years after i met myla it all became completely worth it

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i don't have much in my life, whether it, family, friends, or money, and while it's tough to get by sometimes, in the years after i met myla it all became completely worth it. in some ways were perfect for each other and in others were opposites, but they attract don't they.

her hair trails down to her back in the same way my tongue trails down her neck. her lips sit proudly on her beautiful face the way our hands sit proudly together. her hips and thighs with tiger stripes and her face with dots like that of a dalmatian. she's fucking beautiful.

me and myla finally became one when we turned fifteen, although i knew she was the one for me long before that. whith myla comes her family, her problems, her humour and her personality.

she would never talk about anything bothering her, you truly have to rattle the truth out of her. sometimes it's the people you least expect. for the time being, as long as i spend time with her and love her hard, she'll hold on. she has to hold on, she's my lifeline. for her mother, for her sister, for her dad she has to hold on. she takes advantage of having such loving parents, i'd give anything for one conversation with my dad, as much as he doesn't deserve it.

he not only left me and mum, he took everything we had and left his high and dry fending for ourselves, and of course eight year old me couldn't work. i used to sell my cars in school and sell my good snacks to the other kids, my mum didn't deserve to have to work 11 hour shifts, six days a week just because my dad was a selfish prick. eight year old red didn't deserve to be sad in a cold dark living room each night eating microwaveable food off his lap. fucking prick.

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