Checking out the school

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(Very sorry I haven't updated!!!! I don't really have any reason it's just I didn't have any motivation.)

*stiles pov*

The next morning I looked like a zombie from the lack of sleep. I ended up binging my favourite show, not my best choice.

"Dude what happened to you?you look uh ... tired." Scott questioned.

"I couldn't sleep."

He gave me a look and soon answered, "everything's gonna be alright." I couldn't tell if he wasn't sure himself as he knew I could always tell if things weren't right (like Matt, Theo.) obviously not like Lydia.

Just like that Lydia bursted in, me and Scott both exchanged worried looks.

"What is it Lydia?" I asked.

She took some deep breaths before answering,

"I don't like this place."

Me, Scott, malia and Kira all knew what this meant, but what makes this place so dangerous?

Then I thought back to Damon. I was so overwhelmed I didn't think of him.

I drifted off and started to put things together.

First Damon then a trip to mystic falls? Would that mean......Damon's in mystic falls?

No, that can't be right. It doesn't sound right.
Does it?

"We can't just leave, coach would be mad...."

"Well we don't want to die, right?" Malia added.
We all just stared at her, "we are not gonna die." Scott reassured us.

We all sat in silence but our faces said it all. We were all worried. And if I didn't know Scott any better he's probably worried the most. He just doesn't wanna lose anyone else

"Let's just see how it all goes and .. if anything happens we will leave, okay?" Scott scanned the room to make sure we were all okay with it.

It's only a week. Only a week.


Coach practically dragged us all out of our rooms. I'm still wondering how he even got hired.

The only thing told us is that someone will be giving us a tour. Lydia hoped it was a girl. I didn't mind who it was I just wanted this trip to be over.

I think so anyway.

We got to the school and, to be honest, it reminded me of our school.

Coach practically left us there after saying "I don't work here and I'm not a student so good luck."

We walked up to the front of the school, no one saying anything. I guess everyone was nervous.

"You must be the kids from beacon hills!" We all turned round to see a girl. She was really pretty.

"Yeah, yeah we are." Scott replied.

"Well nice to meet you, I'm bonnie." She smiled at us.

(I'm writing this at school)

(I'll post this and post after school)

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