mistletoe kiss

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this is in the form of text so yea, I know it's kinda akward just reading it but suck it up. haha jk luv you boo!


harry: hey kin

me: hey harry! I miss you!

Harry:I know I miss you so much love!

.Harry: so..... I erm have a surprise for you

me:what is it?!?!

Harry: go look my your Christmas tree😏

me:okay 😊

Harry: now look up🌹

me: there's mistletoe!

Harry: you should open the big box

me:okay 😊😊😊😊😊

kins POV: I opened the huge box under the mistletoe wondering what outrageous gift he got me, and once I reached to open it I felt someone put there arms around my waist and turned around quickly. I knew that great smell any where IT WAS HARRY!! When I turned around I saw Harry standing there with his arms wrapped around me and just hung on to him for what seemed like forever "I missed you so much Harry!" " I know love I missed you too" Harry said softly. "you know we are under mistletoe, right?" he asked with a cheeky grin. "yea I know" I Said as I blushed, "and you know what that means😉" before I could answer he crashed his lips into mine and, OH MY GOD! HE HAS THE LIPS OF AN ANGEL!!!!!!! The kiss never ended, it was so passionate and the next thing I know I'm running my fingers through his curly locks (which I always did fancy) we finally broke apart, still touching foreheads and staring into each others eyes as we were speechless. "guess what?" I heard him whisper "what?" I whispered back still mesmerized from the kiss. "truly, madly, deeply I am

foolishly completely fallen

and somehow you kicked all my walls in. so baby say you'll always keep me truly madly crazy deeply in love with you"


kin xxx

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