A Question & a special note...

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1.Do you guys think my stories are less interesting because I write them in 3rd person's pov?

A. Yes

B. No

2. If I ever published the paperback version of my books which book would you like to read?

A. It began with a kiss

B. A Promise to the beloved

C. Both A & B

It's every writer's dream to become a published author so yeah I would like to hear your opinion 😅

It's not like I don't want to write in 1st person's pov but if I used 1st person's pov then my story will be limited to that character's assumption of situations while I want my readers to know what else is going behind the scenes and what and why the character is acting or doing what he's doing.

Let me know (in the inline comment here) if you have a suggestion for me regarding anything.

Find more stories at _aadyawrites

To all those beautiful hearts who reached this far thank you for reading my story and giving it a chance. I hope the story of Ashton King & Lilly Jones made you smile and laugh.❤️❣️

If you liked the story then please add this to your public reading lists so that this story could reach a wider audience. I'd be grateful if you could do that 🥰

Also don't be shy and share this story with your friends cz "Sharing is Caring". 😅 You can follow me so that when I make an announcement of my next book you could get notified. 😇

*A song Ashton wants to dedicate to Sera 🥰

It's "Lady" by Brett young.

* A song which speaks the feelings of Ashton  for Lilly. ❣️

It's "All of the above" wedding song. (It's lyrics are the reason I chose it. So focus on lyrics and you'll find Ashton ☺️)


A warning to all.

I was tagged by a reader of mine about an important message. So I'll just summarize it for you all.

"Don't post your pictures on social media platforms or even here because there are some pervs who won't mind using your pics in all wrong ways possible.
So be very careful who you share your pictures with and the platform you choose to share your info."

Tagged by Sweetiee_6

So take care, everyone. Stay safe 💕

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