Sick boy

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Sorry for those who waiting for this story out. I already run out of ideas so this will be the last chapter for this book. Hope you enjoy.

Conner wake up and about to start his days only that he couldn't wake up. His head hurt like it about to split and explode. His body feel uncomfortable for some reason. Mira knock the door and walk in when she didn't hear any response. She walk to Conner when she notice he still lay down on bed. He usually already up by now and would tease her if she wake up late than him.

"Conner? What's wrong?" Said Mira in low voice as she put her hand on his forehead only to retract it back "You have fever. Wait! I will tell mother about this. We don't know if taking medicine for you gonna work or not. Let use traditional method first" said Mira or more like whisper. She look at Conner who seem unconscious but his constant breath made her know he just asleep. She about to go but stop when Conner call her. His voice sound so weak and in pain. "Don't go. It hurt" said Conner weakly. He feel more weak than when kryptonite shove to him.

"It won't be long. I need to tell mother about your condition so we could know best way to cure your fever. I will come back with mother" said Mira as she pat his hand as assurance. She walk out and few minutes later Tina come in. She check on him and his temperature. She use her magic healing to put his temperature down. "Mom" call Conner weakly when he notice his mother is there. "I'm here honey. Where else did you hurt? Tell me" said Tina in soft voice. It break her heart to see her son look so weak like this when it just fever but this look like a serious fever and not normal fever. Conner tell her the best he could about how he feel.

Mira come in next with bowl of water and clean small cloth. They put some small wet cloth on his forehead, legs and body to decrease his temperature. Tina call Hana and ask her if Conner condition serious after she tell her his condition. Hana try to calm Tina. She told her it would be fine if she keep trying to cool down the temperature. She will ask Lynn, one of her adopted daughters to made some medicine for him. This fever call 'Devouring' by fairy as it usually happens to fairy child and because how much this fever alone could devour the patiant to death. As long as that fairy recover from 'Devouring' that fairy won't face it anymore. It was one of thing any fairy would face in lifetime. Some death before they could fight that illness. It just fever with high temperatures and have any normal symptoms of fever except 'Devouring' have much higher temperatures than normal fever. The best way only by trying to keep it down.

Tina thought since Conner is her son and only half fairy that illness won't happen. She already face that and it really hurt a lot. Her body feel like it on fire that time. She wish she could do something to ease his pain. Lynn send the medicine next day since it hard to find the ingredients for the medicines. It take a week before Conner fully heal and Tina has been stay by his side almost all times. She only isn't by his side to cook, toilet and take bath. Mira had to take over her mother work for awhile to manage the cafe. Thankfully their employees understand and wish Conner to get well.

Conner open his eyes and he feel no longer hurt but still weak. He look around and saw his mother sleeping beside his bed. He hear the door open and saw his sister walk in "How do you feel today?" whisper Mira so their mother won't wake up. "A bit better" said Conner "glad to hear that. You have been on bed for week. Everyone worry about you especially mom" said Mira "Sorry I made you worry" said Conner "No need. Besides your illness are pretty worrying. It's the illness that has high chances to death. Good thing the medicine about that illness already been done by Lynn or we probably had to find many way to decrease your temperature " said Mira "Did she sleep well?" Ask Conner

"How could she when her son in pain. She stay up almost all night for this past week. You probably didn't notice because you didn't look like you fully awake every time you open your eyes. Mom has face that illness before so she know how it feel. Ah! I should let you rest more. Rest well sick boy" said Mira as she walk out from his room. He feel glad as he look at his mother. If he were to stay back at Mount Justice would he got this kind of treatment. Would he feel how to be look after by mother? He glad he choose to follow his mother. Now he could feel how people who had mother was like.

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