Harry Harry Harry

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"Amanda you are just so perfect."

"Thank you Maya." I smiled.

Maya you are a cock sucking, fucking bitch.

"Did you know my dear Jeffery used to have a huge crush on you?"

"Really? I would have never guessed." I smiled.

Maya I don't have any interest in your ass hole boyfriend and your annoying as hell British accent.

"Yes, but obviously he moved on." Maya laughed.

"Of corse! He is such a gentleman to you."

"Isn't he, he is the most amazing man I have ever met."

Little do you know Maya I'm fucking Jeffery almost every night! He makes me cúm at least three times a day. Does he do that to you, you hellish little twat!

"He truly is an amazing person."


"Hi, I'm Amanda Harrison. I'm twenty-two years old and I am a strait A student at Harvard University, my major is cultural sciences, and I am also a 4.0 student."

"Very impressive Ms. Harrison. So tell me, why do you want to be a missionary for the Christian church?"

I smiled at the plump lady sitting behind her desk.

"Well Pastor Slater, from ages five through eighteen I was schooled at an all girls Christian school, and I just fell in love with Jesus."

The lady smiled.

"Well Amanda I don't see why there would be any problem with you being a missionary."

This is it Mom, I'm finally going to do it.

"Thank you so much Pastor Slater!"

I walked out of that office with a plane ticket to England and a smile on my face.

"London here I come!"

After a long flight from Washington state to London I was finally at the place where my destiny was.

I walked out of the airport, trying my hardest not to run over anyone with all my bags. Well apparently I wasn't trying hard enough.

"Fuck!" The man yelled.

"I am so sorry."

"Shit woman what do you have in those suitcases?"

"Well do you mean the other ones or the one I ran your foot over with?"

The man glared.

"Because the one I ran your foot over with has all my books and and art supplies in it."

"What the fuck?" The man muttered.

"I'm sorry I ran over your foot."

"It's fine. So you aren't from here are you?"

"No, how did you know?"

"You have an American accent."

"Oh, duh."

"I'm Harry, by the way."

"I'm Amanda, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

"You look very familiar."

"I'm Harry Styles from One Direction."

"That sounds familiar as well."

"We're a boy band."

"Oh the ones that sings that Spaces song!"

"Yeah." Harry laughed. "The ones that sings that Spaces song."

I smiled, fiddling with my bracelet not knowing what to say next.

"You are a really beautiful woman Amanda."

"Thank you, you are a very handsome man Harry."

"Where are you heading?" The brown haired heart throb asked.

"I'm supposed to be looking for a hotel."

"I know a place you might like."


"Yeah, once the rest of the lads get done with luggage we can take you there in our stretch."

"Thank you so much Harry. I really appreciate this."

"No problem, any thing for a beautiful gal such as yourself."

Ten minutes later the rest of the boys showed up to where Harry and I were standing.

"Who's your friend Harry?" A blonde haired man asked in an Irish accent.

"Lads, this is Amanda."

"I'm Niall." The same man smiled, extending his arm to shake my hand.

I shook his hand.

"I'm Louis!" A cute guy shined.

"I'm Liam."

"I'm Zayn."

"Hi." I smiled.

"We're going to take Amanda to London's finest hotel." Harry smirked.

Zayn shot Harry a look.

Niall smiled.

"I think she will be very delighted when she arrives Zayn, calm down."

Zayn gave me a pitiful look.

What is the deal with him?

"I have to go call Perry, lads you can go off without me." Zayn sighed.

"Oh Zayn cheer up! Just come with us, it will be fun." Liam smiled.

"Yeah Zayn! Come with us." Louis giggled.

I liked Louis, he seemed nice.

"I'm not going to do that again. Go on without me." Zayn hissed.

"I think it's time for us to head off lads." Harry muttered.

We all climbed into a huge limo, trying not to hit our heads on the ceiling as we sat down.

"This is really nice guys." I smiled.

"Thanks Amanda." Niall smiled.

Beside me was Harry on my left and Louis on my right. I was crammed between the two men trying my hardest not to accidentally touch their junk.

"Do you want any water Amanda?" Liam asked.

"Yes, thank you."

As Liam handed me the water I popped off the lid.

Harry watched every move I took as I put the water bottle to my lips.

I started to feel sleepy, maybe because of the exhaustion of the flight, or that it was three in the morning. Soon enough I was dead asleep.

I had this weird dream, I was being carried somewhere. I could occasionally hear Harry's voice demanding that someone needed to hurry up.

I woke up with a piercing headache.

"Harry." I mumbled.

"I'm right here Amanda."

Thoughts started to race through my mind at a thousand miles per hour. Everything around me was so unknown.

"Where am I?"

"Your at the lads and I's flat."

I looked around. I was in a huge room laying on a bed.

"I thought you were taking me to a hotel."

"This is the hotel, much nicer than any lousy one you'll find for a good deal in London."

I went to wipe a piece of hair out of my face when I felt a tug on my arm.

"You're hand cuffed to the bed frame Amanda."


"So you can't run away beautiful."

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